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  3. Wroclaw in 30 years, or the city's future development

What Wroclaw in 30 years' time? How many residents? Where new estates, green areas, roads or business investments? Questions such as these will find the answer in a newly developed land use plan. City representative discussed the progress made on the document on Tuesday, 16 August.

200 metres above the ground, on 49. floor of the Sky Tower, the tallest residential building in Poland, which commands a spectacular view on Wroclaw, the city representatives discussed Wroclaw's Land Use Plan. The document sets a vision for Wroclaw in 30 years' time.

"In 2002, we were one of the weakest cities in Poland with regard to the amount of residential space (in square metres) per person and the next to last with regard to the sewage system indicators. We are now one of Poland's leaders with regard to the former and the first in the ranking with regard to the latter. We want to develop further, which is why we are now working on a new land use plan. Spatially, Wroclaw has necessary development areas, and we can now afford to build suitable facilities. The plan indicates where such works might be pursued," says Wroclaw Mayor Rafał Dutkiewicz.

The initial estimated cost of the road construction and laying of the pipes, sewers and power lines in the next 30 years' time is 4 billion 645 million PLN, which makes ca. 155 million PLN annually.

Challenges and goals in new urban planning policy

"A compact and green city that offers a varied urban landscape and quality architecture covering a variety of purposes, including both public buildings and residential areas. It guarantees easy access to green areas and open spaces. It also takes care of landmarks and historic monuments, and uses them accordingly," says Head of the Wroclaw Development Bureau Anna Sroczyńska.

"Facility-wise, we've been catching up for the last ten years or so. As we continue to develop, we have to take care of green areas and create development opportunities that make our residential estates self-sufficient, which in turn means that our residents will waste less time in traffic. What I mean by traffic is travelling to work, school or to do shopping," adds Rafał Dutkiewicz.

More residents

Demographic forecasts are one of the most important sections in the plan. Currently, Wroclaw has ca. 635 thousand residents. It is estimated that the population will grow to 640 thousand in the next thirty years.

"Wroclaw Metropolitan Area is one of the five such areas in Poland that will continue to develop demographically. Wroclaw itself has a minimal but positive birth rate," says Mayor Rafał Dutkiewicz. He goes on to add that according to the police, around one million people can actually be found in Wroclaw daily.

"We are and we are going to be a dynamic city, especially business-wise, which in turn attracts new residents," says Anna Sroczyńska.

More residential space

The city's development and the residents' growing wealth are well reflected in the average residential floor space per person. In 2002, the residential floor space in Wroclaw was 22.3 sqm per person. In 2014, the indicator grew to reach 33 sqm per person.

"We assume that the indicator will grow to 47 sqm per person in the next thirty years," says Anna Sroczyńska.

More greenery

The overall share of green areas in the city is yet another section included in the plan. Deputy Head of the Wroclaw Development Bureau Marek Żabiński says that according to latest measurements (based on satellite photographs and infra-red laser scans), 51.53% of the city is covered by green areas, that is, areas covered by trees, shrubbery, grass and arable land. Greenery in residential areas accounts for 12% of the figure.

"We can now promise that green areas will be growing in size," says Mayor Dutkiewicz. Mayor Dutkiewicz has followed up on his promise by issuing a directive on the protection and development of greenery in Wroclaw. Read more - Trees under extended protection and control.

"As of August, the city authorities are required to design their investments in such a way that they bypass the trees or provide suitable protection during construction work. In case of logging, new trees must be planted," says Monika Pec-Święcicka, Deputy Head of the Grounds Maintenance Office.

Development areas

It is estimated that Wroclaw has 3,700 hectares of land that may be earmarked for housing estates or business development in the coming years. 21 development areas were identified, including Maślice, Sołtysowice, Kępa Mieszczańska, Zakrzów, Jagodno and Brochów and the vicinity of the following streets: Nyska, Wojanowska and Zwycięska.

"The land use plan is not an investment document but a spatial planning document that indicates if and where we have the necessary reserves to pursue our investments. The land use plan sets the entire decision-making process in motion," adds Mayor Rafał Dutkiewicz.

When a new plan?

The residents have already submitted their suggestions to be included in a new land use plan. The consultation and recommendation process took 200 days to complete.

"The work on the plan is in its advanced stages. We are now entering another stage in the debate. This time round it's the city counsellors to share their views. Eventually, the City Council is going to pass a resolution. But they need another several months to do so," says Mayor Rafał Dutkiewicz. Deputy Mayor Adam Grehl adds: "Once we've developed the plan, we will announce a competition for the Wroclaw's vision by 2050. In doing so, we want to follow in Max Berger's footsteps.

Explore the presentation Wroclaw's Land Use Plan.

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