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  3. Ulica Świdnicka Festival

Świdnicka St. came about in the 12th century - it marked the city limits of Wrocław, and later turner into the city's main trade streets. Prior to World War II it was one of the most elegant and robust thoroughfares in former Breslau. The name Schweidnitzer Strasse (earlier Gasse) originated due to most prosaic reason - the street heads towards the town of Świdnica. After the war the name was preserved and translated into Polish, and the southern part of it was named after count Aleksander Fredro. Later ul. Świdnicka was turned into ul. Stalingradzka, in accordance with the then binding policy, only to have the historical name restored in 1957.

Churches, theatres, department stores and dwarves

Every resident of Wrocław knows ul. Świdnicka, and every tourist is bound to land there. It connects the Market Square with ul. Marszałka Piłsudskiego. The street's northern end is a promenade for pedestrians, and it is here where the famous underground passage with the famous ill-fitted staircase. At the stairs stood the characteristic clock clad with fine tiles, from which the Pomarańczowa Alternatywa [Orange Alternative] demonstrations were setting off in the 1990's. Today, this place is commemorated with a statue of a dwarf. Behind the passage the street turns more classy - this is where the elegant Monopol Hotel is located, where, among others, the famous German actress Marlena Dietrich used to stay, and the Wrocław Opera. At Świdnicka there are also two churches - the Corpus Christi Church and St. Stanislas', St. Dorothy's and St. Vinceslas', which stands "backing" the street and is rarely visited, though this is a magnificent Gothic building with a beautiful, Baroque equipment. Ul. Świdnicka means also trade - the modernist Dom Handlowy [Department Store] Renoma, DH Podwale, and behind pl. Kościuszki - the "Pod Arkadami" [Under Arcade] passage. There, in Dzielnica Mieszkaniowa im. Kościuszki [Kościuszko Housing District] (KDM), operate, among others, a bookstore, china shop, and optometrist. Also, two galleries have their seats at ul. Świdnicka - BWA Dizajn and M Odwach - the latter is located in a 18th, one-floor building, left after dismantling of the city's fortifications. Adjacent to it is a weather station - with a weatherglass and a clock installed in a turret. Ul. Świdnicka includes also two theatres - Teatr Arka and Scena Kameralna Teatru Polskiego - once Teatr Żydowski [Jewish Theatre],built from contributions of the Jewish residents of Wrocław. It is on this stage that a renowned actress, Ida Kamińska, performed. Parade, orienteering, and expert consultations To bring ul. Świdnicka closer, and at the same time to reveal its modern and multi-layered face, the idea of Ulica Świdnicka Association was born. The newly born organization joins business owners, tenants, institutions and NGOs, and also cooperates with the City of Wrocław and the organization acting for the famous Berlin street, Friedrichstrasse. Owing to the fusion of energies and strengths, the Festival Of Ulica Świdnicka kicks off on September 27th, 2014. A series of events, meetings, workshops and competitions will stretch for one kilometre. the Festival will commence officially at 13.00 with a Świdnicka Parade, featuring female seniors from the Wrocław Senior Centre and the music of the Voivodship Police Headquarters Orchestra. The parade will march from the Market Square to ul. Piłsudskiego, and the senior ladies will present dresses from various historical periods. Organized by Fundacja Wroactive, a family orienteering starts after 13.00, with valuable prizes. Everyone can participate in the event, and what will count in this one-kilometre stretch is knowledge of ul. Świdnicka and the sporting spirit. For adventure enthusiasts, Dolnośląska Organizacja Turystyczna [Lower Silesia Tourist Organization] prepared some stalls under the arcade, promoting the region and local products. A special fun and games zone for kids will be open all Saturday, where the Pedagogic Department of Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa [Dolnośląska College] will prepare a place for consultations with experts (speech therapists, psychologists, educationalists). Space for senses At the same time, an event fully dedicated to trends and fashion will take place in the Solpol I building. Lectures and presentations presented by Agnieszka Węglińska, PhD, from Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa [Dolnośląska College] will be accompanied by fashion shows. Ul. Świdnicka's salons and shops have prepared their own fashion attractions, and on that day will welcome for meetings with specialists and designers.

All day long at ul. Świdnicka available will be many delicacies prepared by cooks from bars and restaurants. Sampling and special dishes will be available for all participants of the festival.

The festival is also an opportunity to meet and talk to business owners, craftsmen and specialists who have been residing in ul. Świdnicka for years. Until 23.00 visitors can chat about books, music, china and glass, as well as the latest fashion trends and unique beauty treatments.

Art and culture until midnight

Special programme has also been prepared by galleries located at ul. Świdnicka. All day long M Odwach Gallery will present graphic works of Polish artists, and in the evening the Dizajn BWA Wrocław Gallery will host a vernissage of an exhibition TypoAktywni, dedicated to city space sign boards and fonts.

Teatr Arka has prepared a special programme for kids, and starting at 16.00 the Scena Kameralna Teatru Polskiego we Wrocławiu welcomes to their backyard for a grand finale of the Strefa ReStart project- actions focused on revitalization of the theatre's hinterland. Everyone is welcome to theatre quizzes with Wrocław artists, and for the evening some music producers and DJs closely associated with Wrocław club scene have prepared some good musical pieces. The dance will last until midnight.

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