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  3. Wrocław at weekend 17-18 December [EVENTS]
Graficzny Kiermasz Świąteczny w Domku Miedziorytnika

Graphic Art Christmas Fair at Etcher's House

18 December, from 3 pm, Town Hall, Etcher's House (Jaś House); free admission

The fair brings a unique opportunity to engage with a graphic art exhibition and buy original and beautiful graphic art works from students and teachers at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. You can also buy handmade Christmas postcards and Christmas decorations by our students.

Opening hours: Saturday-Sunday: 15.00 - 20.00.

Tęczowe święta - występy na placu Solnym

Rainbow Christmas Shows in Plac Solny

18 December, 4 pm, Plac Solny

December is all about hearth and home and Christmas and your nearest and dearest. However, many people from the LGBTQ+ community cannot spend it the way they would like to. The organisers are raising the awareness of the issue. Christmas in not only for traditional heteronormative families; it can also be colourful and diverse.

On Sunday, 18 December, a Kraków-based LGBTQ+ choir called Krakofonia will take the centre stage in Plac Solny. They are going to give a 20-minute performance. The participants will be offered Christmas cards with rainbow butterflies. Admission is free.

Koncert Michała Szpaka we Wrocławiu

Michał Szpak Live

18 December, 8 pm, Zaklęte Rewiry, ul Krakowska 100, tickets from 69 PLN, available at ebilet.pl and Empik stores

The residents of Wrocław are in for a live show from a great singer and unique personality. The guy swept the entire Europe off their feet at this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm. The show will be given by none other than Michał Szpak, who is going to visit Wrocław with his band.

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