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  3. Time Warp: new investment at Nowe Żerniki
Time Warp: new investment at Nowe Żerniki

The Spirala Czasu (Time Warp) building is coming up at the centre of Nowe Żerniki. Carried out by Archicom, the investment is expected to provide 69 apartments in the vicinity of the newly designed Community Centre and a small reservoir.

"Time Warp offers tested apartment designs as well as interiors which can be arranged in a number of innovative ways. We have also made sure that we provide facilities such as a nursery, a common garden, a fitness club and a green terrace for residents. We are hoping that this will bring the neighbours together, just as other resident-friendly projects of ours do," says Archicom Group's Marketing Director Tomasz Sujak.

Prospective residents will be able to choose from a selection or 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments with gardens, terraces and balconies. The building will have a basement and special energy-saving lifts while the roofs will be covered with solar panels to provide lighting to common areas, which is in line with the sustainable idea behind the Nowe Żerniki project. The ground floor will offer commercial spaces for rent and a special place for a nursery. Drivers will be provided with a large underground garage and special parking spaces. The estate will also have 70 spaces to park a bicycle, and the building will also have a special room to leave a pram or bicycle.

The Wroclaw City Office is also planning to allocate an open-air market in the area and to keep traffic in check. The design also provides for tree avenues along main transportation channels. The city is also planning to follow up on this with a versatile sports ground, a day centre for the elderly, a school and nursery complex and a park.

New Architecture for ECC 2016

Nowe Żerniki is going to serve as a flagship architecture project for the ECC Wroclaw 2016. The estate draws on the design of the model WUWA estate, thereby creating a new and self-sufficient district in the Western part of the city. This exemplary estate with complete road and residential infrastructure is going to take up approx. 40 has of land, including schools, community centres and residential buildings.

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