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  3. "Y" at the Capitol – Steve Jobs and The Beatles

"Sometimes the initiators of Capitol's performances are actors", says Konrad Imiela, director of the Capitol Musical Theatre. "This time, Lukasz Wojcik rhymed Steve Jobs' biography with the songs of the Beatles.

The roles of the famous four from Liverpool will be played by women. Helena Sujecka will play John Lennon, Justyna Antoniak will play Paul McCartney, Agnieszka Oryńska-Lesicka will play George Harrison and Pola Błasik will play Ringo Starr.

"The Beatles had in themselves a very strong feminine element, but to understand why the Beatles are played by women you need to come to the show", says Pawel Passini, the director. "The bitten apple symbol, which appears on the devices coming from Steve Jobs refers to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. John Lennon once said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ. Does this mean that the actors of the mass-culture theatre form a quasi-religious reality?", asks the director.


Play "Y" at the Capitol Theatre

The play
Termin from 8 January 2016 to 20 January 2016

Miejsce Capitol Music Theatre in Wrocław


The performance will be a début of Katarzyna Janiszewska from the Wrocław Theatre School. She will play the Y. "In this performance, Y becomes Jobs' unfulfilled dream, a computer with perfect, feminine shapes and messages that are in the cloud. Everyone can access them. I wonder if in this case this isn't hell, and not paradise", adds Passini.

The audience will have to think about what will happen when a computer equipped with the ultimate knowledge will assess us, humans. "Playing with symbols has serious consequences that go beyond our reality. Before he died, Steve Jobs said that the most important thing in life were love and faimily time. These words surprised many for whom he was a visionary and despot, for years refusing to acknowledge his own daughter. Jobs and the Beatles would be happy to see themselves in the role of deities, and he who sows the wind reaps the storm. This is what the performance is about", Passini sums up. "We are inside the cloud, we're entering the world of data, and all-available data begin to swirl and we can't control them. I believe that Steve Jobs wanted his devices to be more than gadgets, he wanted them to change our lives. And it started happening, but what will it lead to? What happens when computers come to the conclusion that people are a sort of a software defect?", asks Passini.

In "Y" the role of Steve Jobs will be played by Lukasz Wojcik, Dark by Cezary Studniak, Blek by Maciej Musiałowski, and the personifications of the murderer Charles Manson, Mark Chapman, Myra Hindley and Ian Brandy will be played by Tomasz Leszczynski. The author of stage design and costumes is Elena Lola Lola, and Katarzyna Łuszczyk is responsible for directing lights.

"Y" - the première takes place on Capitol's Scena Ciśnień on January 8. Following performances take place on Jan 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, and 20.

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