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  2. News
  3. MusicWro: All About Wrocław Music

MusicWro ist der Name eines neuen Musikdienstes, der unter der Schirmherrschaft des Klubs Firlej entstand. Er ist gänzlich der Musik von Breslau und Umgebung gewidmet. Rezensionen, Berichte, Interviews, News, Katalog der Bands, Kalendarium der Veranstaltungen – das sind nur einige Punkte, die man auf MusicWro finden kann.

A new internet website, MusicWro was launched recently, dedicated to music from Wrocław and the region. The initiative's patron is Firlej klub. The main objective of the initiative is to promote and consolidate local bands and artists. Some of the website's section include reviews, featured stories, interviews, news, a catalogue of bands and events calendar. MusicWro wants to actively participate in the region's musical life and to support it, but also to create interesting phenomena.

Local and valuable music

The people behind the website are a group of young enthusiasts, who - as they themselves say - keep their hands on the music pulse of Wrocław and the region and write about all that is important and meaningful in local culture.

ekipa serwisu MusicWro

"We are not interested in student dance nights, we opt for ambitious and worthwhile music, which is able to move the listeners" says Kamil Downarowicz, the editor-in-chief of MusicWro. "We promote the local stage, speak to groups and artists, at the same time assessing their creative output. We hand-pick concerts that are worth attending" he adds. The MusicWro includes also a unique catalogue of bands, as well as editor's photo/audio/video material documenting music events.

"In our publications we strongly emphasise "authorshipness" of texts and our subjective feelings. We are critical, and carefully watch cultural phenomena around us. We try to understand them, describe as well as possible, and present in an attractive form" add the portal's authors.

A place for musical creators

Authors of the portal welcome musicians and music artists working in Wrocław and the area to collaboration.


Click the banner to go to the website

"Do you wish your record to be reviewed? Or you have just finished a new video clip? Perhaps you bought a new instrument you want to show off? Or your artistic career saw something worthwhile recently, perhaps you're starting a tour and you want to let everybody know? You can share all this with a broad spectrum of audience, owing to MusicWro. Just send us information, and we will publish it on our website and promote it accordingly" write the website authors.

Send lyrics/audio/video to: [email protected]

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