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  3. Colour-bursting hedgehog

The hedgehog is part of a ECC Wroclaw 2016 project called Wroclaw Through the Yard. The hedgehog appeared in the yard between ul Miernicza, Łukasińskiego, Prądzyńskiego and Komuny Paryskiej on Monday.

This inflatable hedgehog is pink, lilac, orange and red in colour and is expected to bring the residents together. Children are already crazy about it. Iza Rutkowska started the project with social consultations. Not all residents were interested in the project even though the artist tried to argued repeatedly that the hedgehog is just a pretext to bring neighbours together and create a small local community.

The hedgehog is not going stay in the yard for the night because it spends each day in a different yard. The hedgehog is going to roam the yards in Przedmieście Oławskie. And it will also be a focal point for a myriad of events.

Hedgehog timetable

13 August (Thursday) | 4 pm - Iza Rutkowska conducts an open workshop with the residents

15 August (Saturday) | 4 pm - Quality time with the hedgehog

18 August (Tuesday) | 4 pm - Iza Rutkowska conducts an open workshop with the residents

20 August (Thursday) | 4 pm - Iza Rutkowska conducts an open workshop with the residents

22 August (Saturday) | 6 pm - Quality time with the hedgehog

25 August (Tuesday) | 4 pm - Iza Rutkowska conducts an open workshop with the residents

27 August (Thursday) | 4 pm - Iza Rutkowska conducts an open workshop with the residents

29 August (Saturday) | 4 pm - Farewell with the hedgehog

ECC 2016 is planning to follow up on the project with other outdoor events. Adam Kalinowski is building the Endless Green installation in ul Barlickiego while the House of Peace Foundation is involved in developing the City Garden in ul Kręta 22. Maja Zabokrzycka and architects Agnieszka Bocheńska and Tomasz Bojęć are working on the latter with the residents. The garden is designed to serve the local community. Social consultations are now in the process and they are coming to a close in September.

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