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  3. New tracks, roads and more trees. Construction of the Bus & Tram Route reaches midpoint

Work is in progress throughout the length of the emerging Bus & Tram Route to Nowy Dwór. New tracks emerge, a few hundred trees were planted, and the sewerage system is under replacement. The first tram will ride to Nowy Dwór in 2023.

The new 160-metre viaduct in the course of ul. Strzegomska on the height of the Wroclaw Technology Park was completed some time ago. Thanks to this solution, MPK trams and buses will ride smoothly over the railway tracks, thereby avoiding traffic jams.

The tracks are already laid on the viaduct, but finishing work – concreting and preparation of trackage foundation – is under way on ramps. Pylons have been mounted. There is a lot of work going on under the viaduct, too.

Bitumen surface works are in progress, and a few hundred metre long fragment of ul. Robotnicza at the intersection with ul. Wagonowa is under reconstruction. ‘We have completed pedestrian crossings and fragments of the bike route. Cyclists and pedestrians will move under the viaduct,’ says Krzysztof Świercz from Wrocławskie Inwestycje.

Bus & Tram Route to Nowy Dwór. Hundreds of new trees

At the same time, 444 trees and a few dozen thousand shrubs have been planted along the investment – from Plac Orląt Lwowskich to the level of the Wroclaw Technology Park and the School of Banking. But this is not all.

Sewerage system and trackage

Closer to ul. Rogowska, road workers will soon prepare a foundation for the trackage. For the time being, underground networks are replaced at the intersection with Estońska.

The total gross value of the project is 386 million PLN and current expenditure has totalled almost 275 million PLN. Construction works are co-funded by the European Union in the amount of 117 million PLN, but negotiations are under way to raise it to 182 million PLN with potential funds from the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy.

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