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  3. Animal Planet at Wrocław Główny Railway Station
Animal Planet at Wrocław Główny Railway Station

Glass referring to organic life forms, presentations of animals and installations inspired by the world of animals can be watched at the Animal Planet exhibition being a part of European Glass Festival in the Session Room of the Wrocław Główny Railway Station.

The exhibition consists of works by 18 artists-glaziers from 14 countries, including Germany, Denmark, Slovakia, Iceland, Belgium and Netherlands. Works prepared with the use of various techniques are put together under the name of the exhibition: 'Animal Planet'.

For Icelandic artists Sigrun and Olof Einarsdottir, it is mainly the intriguing form of nature that counts. They have magnified a seed and a caterpillar to considerable dimensions, paying attention to the symmetry and perfection of their shapes and to the quality of the surface. In such a magnified view, small hairs surrounding the shell or growing from the caterpillar’s body look really intriguing.

We will also see glass forms inspired by nature: a movement of bird’s wings, a sea wave or natural topography. Such works are created by Stanisław Sobota, or Martine Luttringer.

The exhibition presents also works partaking in a discussion on the role of human being in the transformation of nature. ‘Ravens’ Feast’ by Nad Cantrell shows birds pecking at chips immersed in ketchup. Shige Fujishiro presents ‘A Fox Collar’ – a subtly prepared work made of safety-pins with glass beads strung on them. Motifs of pop culture are introduced in the narrative of nature by Małgorzata ET BER Warlikowska in her object ‘JFK’s Sophism’ and by Andrzej Kucharski in ‘Panopticum’ – a two-metre glass pillar with images of humans and animals.

Claudia Schimkat enclosed her fascination with the underwater world in her intricate works that are very similar to jewellery – her stauromedusa or slime mold look like exotic flowers.

We will also see works inspired by the world of insects, such as the common club-tail or moulting processes by Jesse Günther, or ‘Metamorphosis’ by Luciano Butucariu.

The main exhibition of Play with Glass – European Glass Festival is presented at the Wroclaw railway station for the 3rd time. The exhibition is a result of the co-operation of the Fly with Art Foundation, the BB Gallery and the Polish State Railways. Exhibitions of the previous editions of European Glass Festival attracted around 14,000 persons in total.

The Animal Planet exhibition is open every day from 12:00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m. in the Session Room until the end of October. Entrance is free.

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