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  3. Creative in business

The ranking of top 50 most creative people in business has been prepared for the fifth time.

"From the long list of creative Poles we have selected those who in our opinion are distinguished by out-of-the-box thinking and approach to business, which allows them to always be one step ahead of the competition" write the organizers of the ranking."

Michał Sadowski, source: "Brief"

Placing first in this year's ranking was Michał Sadowski, Brand24. According to "Brief", his company has dominated the Polish market in the sector of internet monitoring, and in the coming years Brand24 is to become a global leader in the industry. Even now the company has dozens of customers from all over the world, from San Francisco to Jakarta. Michael Sadowski has proven that he can manage a global startup operating from Poland, and that he builds the image of Poland and of Brand24 in a creative way. He is the winner of several awards, including Aulera, Ekomers and the title of the Startup Founder of the Year in The Next Web Startup Awards 2013 competition


Maciej Bialek, source: "Brief"

Maciej Bialek ranked 27. on the list. According to "Brief", he is a man who has tried several different businesses in his life, e.g. Gps24.pl, iBroker.pl or Promorning.pl. However, his biggest and unqualified success proved to be a company called Pixers. He started with posters printed from stock pictures, and of the stocks, and today offers a wide range of services related to the production of photo wallpapers, paintings, posters and stickers. The business flourishes, and its author managed to find customers in several countries around the world. Białek's ambition - quite justified, for that matter - to become the largest seller of applied art in the world in the coming years. Apart from Pixers, Maciej Białek is currently the co-founder and investor of PCDOC, a national network of computer emergency service, and ScreenSHU - tools for effective taking and sharing of print screens on-line.


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