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  3. Wroclaw in best-to-live cities ranking
Wroclaw in best-to-live cities ranking

Wroclaw has been listed among 230 world\'s best-to-live cities in the latest "Quality of Living" ranking by Mercer (published on 23 February 2016).

Wroclaw was listed 100th in the last year's "Quality of Living" ranking by Mercer. Wroclaw has climbed one position in this year's ranking. It must be noted that only one more Polish city was included in the ranking. Warsaw, which was listed 79th last year, has landed the same position in this year's ranking.

Vienna has been the consistent winner in the ranking's seven years of history. The remaining top ten is as follows: Zurich, Switzerland (2); Auckland, New Zealand (3); Munich. Germany (4); Vancouver, Canada (5); Dusseldorf, Germany (6); Frankfurt, Germany (7); Geneva, Switzerland (8); Copenhagen, Denmark (9); and Sydney, Australia (10). The bottom of the ranking features Sana'a, Yemen; Bangui, Central African Republic; and Baghdad, Iraq.

Wroclaw among world's best-to-live cities

The ranking was based on the following: political situation, education, urban mobility, health care, natural environment, culture, services and housing. These factors were used to compare the quality of life across the metropolitan cities worldwide. The data provided in the ranking provide a valuable instrument for international companies an organisations in estimating salaries for their overseas specialists.

This year's ranking by Mercer is the first to consider personal safety, including crime and law enforcement. Luxembourg came top of the ranking, and Bern, Switzerland; Helsinki, Finland; and Zurich, Switzerland, were just behind. The bottom of the ranking features Damascus, Syria; and Baghdad, Iraq.

Wroclaw a leader in foreign investment procurement

Published on 15 February, the latest European Cities and Regions of the Future 2016/2017 ranking features Wroclaw in the leading position in the foreign investment procurement category.

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