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  2. News
  3. Wroclaw for weekend: May 20-22, 2016 [EVENTS]
Wrocławska fontanna multimedialna - pokazy specjalne

Wroclaw multimedia fountain - special shows

  • May 21, 9.30 pm, Good Morning Marilyn
  • May 22, 10.30 pm, The Four Elements

22 May 2015

Dobroczynny rajd rowerowy

Charity bike tour "Ukrainians in Europe" WROCLAW

May 22, 11.30 am, plac Nankiera
On May 22, 2016, Wroclaw will host a long-distance charity bike tour "Ukrainians in Europe." The cyclists departed from Ukraine on May 13, and will end the tour on August 24, also in Ukraine, having covered 10 000 km! The countries to be visited are: Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.
  • 11:30 am - meeting of the supporters, pl. Nankiera 15 (by the Greek Catholic Church)
  • 11:15 am - meeting of cyclists who would want to join the tour in Wroclaw.
Wrocławski Piknik Rodzinny Prudential

Wroclaw Family Picnic by Prudential by the Centennial Hall

May 22, 11 am - 3 pm, the Pergola at the Centennial Hall, free admission

The programme includes henna tattoos, painting on the grass, modelling of salt dough, building a block robot, activities and a game of soccer on separate fields.

Czwarty Piknik na Welodromie

The Fourth Picnic at the Velodrome

May 22, 2 - 11 pm, the velodrome, ul. Żmigrodzka 241

The programme includes, e.g. OUTDOOR SCREENING OF "AMERICA RECYCLED," a film by the Hussin brothers, cycling competition with live comments, free rental of bicycles and helmets for riding on the track, yoga classes for cyclists, races and games for children, mural painting and selling cycling pictures and bags

Końska dawka emocji na Partynicach

Heart-racing emotions in Partynice

May 22, 2.15 pm, Partynice Racecourse, free admission

Delight My Fire, the winner of last year's United Wroclaw, as well as several other participants in the largest Partynice races will run in the Tiumen Prize - the final rehearsal before the Crystal Cup. The remaining races will also include numerous stakes of horses. There will be, among others, the international hurdle race and the international steeplechase. Emotions guaranteed.

Koncert Rudolphina 6 w Ratuszu

Concenrt: Rudolphina 6 in the City Hall

May 22, 6 pm, the City Hall, free admission

The repertoire of the next concert by Cantores Minores Wratislavienses' cycle Rudolphina will include works by composers from the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth century, who were associated with Wroclaw and Silesia (S. Besler, Th. Fritsch, M. Kinner and others). These will be combined with the compositions of the popular European artists (J. Eccard, GP Cima, M. Vulpius and others). An interesting composition will be that by the prince George Rudolf, founder of the presented musical collection.

Masta Ace koncert w Alibi

Masta Ace concert in Alibi

May 22, 8 pm, ul. Grunwaldzka 67, tickets 35-40 PLN

On May 22, Masta Ace and Marco Polo will appear on stage in Wroclaw's club Alibi. The concert is a part of the European tour promoting the rapper's album "The Falling Season". The headliner will be accompanied by Stricklin. The event is entitled Before Rap Station Festival.

Koncer na skrzypce i akordeon

Concert for violin and accordion

May 22, 8 pm, Klub Proca, Przejście Garncarskie 2, free admission

Piazzolla for violin and accordion - in May, the Lviv Month is back to Wroclaw with an exceptional concert by Myroslava Kotorowycz and Ihor Sayenko. Famous for their virtuosity, the musicians will perform the elaborate tangos by Astor Piazzola. The repertoire will also include songs by Vladimir Zubistky, Richard Galliano, as well as author's compositions.

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