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  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. News
  3. Women’s Congress 2022 in Wroclaw

On 8th and 9th October 2022, women’s biggest festival – the 14th Women’s Congress – will be held in the Wroclaw Centennial Hall. This year’s theme will be: ‘The power is in us. Women for peace, equality, climate and democracy’. The co-organiser is the Municipality of Wroclaw.

Previous congresses were devoted to the situation in Poland. However, this year is special. Wishing to express its sympathy for Ukraine, the Congress invited the delegation from Ukraine to Wroclaw. Members of the Ukrainian Women’s Congress will arrive, and the round table will be an opportunity to meet women from Ukrainian non-governmental organisations and those who act in Poland in support of Ukrainian women in Ukraine and Ukrainian women in Poland. There will be talks about nature and how to protect it, starting from rivers and the ecological disaster of the Oder. Climate and nature protection, ecology and the environment should be of interest to everyone today.

Women’s Congress attracts notable figures from the world of culture, science and business and social female activists every year. Numerous debates, lectures and workshops are always an opportunity to seek solutions for the most important problems together. The organisers assure that every participant will leave Wroclaw with specific knowledge and tools that she could use in her local community for fighting against discrimination and striving for gender quality and a better tomorrow.

Admission to the Congress is free after registration:


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