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  3. The aardvark has a wife and Africarium has fish
The aardvark has a wife and Africarium has fish

They have a specific charm and an uncontrollable appetite for ants and termites and are excellent diggers – they can dig a 10 metres long tunnel in the ground faster than three workers with shovels can. These are aardvarks – the animals that you can see only at the Wroclaw Zoo. Their number has recently increased, much to the delight of lovers of these animals.

The aardvark is also called an ant bear, but it has nothing in common (apart from the similar menu and name) with the anteater, which lives in South America. Aardvarks live in Africa and have recently been brought to Wroclaw. A few days ago, the male was joined by a female called Lotta from the Frankfurt zoo. As she is very sensitive to cold temperatures, employees had to increase the heating of the pavilion particularly for her. Fortunately, Lotta and her partner will soon be transferred to a new enclosure in Africarium with a very warm atmosphere and a comfortable lair, where they will probably spend much time. They will be visible through a glass pane there.

The aardvark is not the only new attraction connected with Africa. In the Sahara pavilion, a common gundi was born – this interesting rodent is slightly similar to a hamster and is very independent already at the time of birth. Other African animals that have recently been born include a scimitar oryx and a Hartmann’s mountain zebra. The little horse, whose mother is Halva, is called Harry and feels very good.

Fish swim in Malawi

There are also novelties in the Africarium-Oceanarium area. We can say that the population process of further basins has begun. After northern fur seals and penguins, it was time to bring fish into the Malawi container (Lake Malawi is the greatest lake of the Great Rift Valley). On Monday, Kuba – the caretaker of fish – dived and released around 400 colourful fish into the basin. The shoal of fish accommodated to the new area quite quickly and swam freely between the rocks. And there are already around 100 fish in the Tanganyika container. -“Obviously, this is not the end of the population process of both >>lakes<

The opening of Africarium-Oceanarium is planned in November.

Eliza Głowicka

photo: Wroclaw zoo Marketing Department

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