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  3. The 7. Soldier Picnic "Operation West"

Combat vehicles, aircraft, and to top all of that, the 50 anniversary of the TV series "Four Tank Men and a Dog", featuring the contest for the prettiest Szarik Dog lookalike, sampling military pastry and cuisine and a military fair. The 7. Soldier Picnic "Operacja Zachód" (Operation West) takes place on May 9-10 at the airport of Aero Club Wroclaw in Szymanów near Psary.

There will be plenty of attractions for the enthusiasts of militaria at the 7. Soldier Picnic "Operation West". Both adults and children will find something of interest. The organizers guarantee a picnic atmosphere. Admission is free.

The "Operation West" picnic is organized for the seventh time. The event is dedicated to learning the knowledge about the history of the military in a festive atmosphere, combined with a presentation of contemporary and historical military equipment," says the event's organizer Marek Łaciak, president of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives JEDYNKA, which organizes the Social Mobile Military Museum at ul. Pełczynska 33 (near the Wroclaw-Osobowice station). The museum will be available on May 16, 16:00-1:00 at this year's Night of Museums 2015 Wrocaw [PROGRAMME].

Programme of the 7. Soldier Picnic Soldier, 10.00-18.00

Saturday, May 9

    • 10:00 a.m. - official opening of the Picnic and the exhibition of military equipment
    • 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. - demonstration of equipment: tanks, armoured vehicles, and special military equipment, as well as a screening round for the grenade targeting contest and a tug-of-war with a Willys Jeep
    • 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - military fashion show
    • 4:30 p.m. - staging: "Evacuation"

Sunday, May 10

        • 10:00 a.m. - opening of the second day of the Picnic and the exhibition of military equipment
        • 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. - demonstration of equipment: tanks, armoured vehicles, and special military equipment, as well as a screening round for the grenade targeting contest and a tug-of-war with a Willys Jeep
        • 2:00 p.m. - 50th anniversary of the "Four Tank Men and a Dog" series, a contest for the look-alikes and prettiest Szarik. Entries for both competitions by phone until May 8, or at the event on Sunday, May 10, 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m., a meeting of the "Tank Men Club" and a Four Tank Men fashion show,
        • 3:30 p.m. - staging: "Cryptonim: Assault"
        • This will be the staging of a fictitious scenario. There will be some armoured equipment, armoured vehicles, soldiers and reconstruction groups, and historical military vehicles. When the show is over, the vehicles and equipment will be available for up close sightseeing.
        • 4:00 p.m. - military fashion show, the finals of the grenade targeting contest and the tug-of-war with a Willys Jeep.
        • 4.30 p.m. - parade drill show performed by the Representative Orchestra of the Land Forces, the final of the newspaper competition. Prizes: a trip to a European Parliament session sponsored by MEP Lidia Geringer d'Oedenberg, a ride with a T-34 tank, material prizes.

Getting to the 7. Soldier Picnic

            • By cars, only from Psary (route E-5 Wroclaw-Poznań). The dirt road along the airport is only an escape route.
            • The organizers will provide payable parking space at the airport (10 PLN for the entire day), 50 meters away from the event.
            • Access to the airport by bus of Lower Silesia Bus Line no. 908 from the Wroclaw-Nadodrze train station
            • There is no parking in Psary and Szymanów in ul. Lotnicza - this is the only access road to the airport.
            • In case of a large car traffic, the event's exit will be available through the airport area via a local dirt road to ul. Rzemieślnicza, and then:

- to Wroclaw, to route 342 (direction Szewce).

- to Trzebnica, follow the dirt road to the village Rogoż and via route 342 to Kryniczna.

For more information, see www.jedynka.art.pl or call 71/718 90 25.

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