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  3. Partial solar eclipse [PHOTOS, VIDEO]
Partial solar eclipse [PHOTOS, VIDEO]

The eclipse took place between 9.41 a.m. and 12.01 p.m. The phenomenon reached its climax at 10.50 a.m.

When our natural satellite enters the space between the Sun and Earth, it casts a shadow on Earth and eclipses the Sun. This is the shortest working definition of the unique spectacle that we all could follow on Friday.

The residents of Wroclaw left work for a short while all around the city or stopped for a moment on the pavement to look towards the Sun. Some people were so desperate that they wanted to watch the phenomenon with the naked eye, but most observers were equipped with welder's glasses, X-ray films, sunshades, old floppy discs or CDs.

The largest number of people, that is, around five hundred, gathered at the astronomical observatory in ul. Kopernika. They were assisted by professionals to watch the eclipse with specialist equipment and learn more about the phenomenon.

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