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  3. No winter in the ZOO yet [PHOTOS]
No winter in the ZOO yet [PHOTOS]

Zebra, okapi, kangaroos and even polar bears enjoy the weather. In Wroclaw ZOO only few genuinely thermophilic animals were herded to indoor pens. Others can still be seen outside.

The ZOO staff have already started their winter preparations and transferring some of the animals to heated rooms. However, since the weather has been more than kind with its 10 degrees on average, these activities were temporarily cancelled. 'We want the animals to benefit from the beautiful autumn weather for as long as possible. However, the pelicans were already moved to the winter pens. Catching them is a major logistics operation and typically takes place somewhat in advance. But other animals still graze and walk around their pens, as in summer,' say the animal keepers.

The outdoor pens are still used even by such chillers as the okapi, but also even the young zebras and monkeys. Staying in the autumn sun as long as possible is particularly important for the active little ones. Interestingly, bears, which usually get sluggish in autumn, are still up and about, walking around briskly.

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