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  3. May long weekend: attractions in Wroclaw [PLACES]
May long weekend: attractions in Wroclaw [PLACES]

Those are places that always impress their guests. Put them on your own May long weekend list attractions and explore, admire, enjoy, rest... Whether you'd rather like to relax in solitude, or in places where you can meet many Wroclawians and tourists.



Hydropolis, 10 am - 7 pm, ul. Na Grobli 19-21, tickets: 27 PLN (regular), 18 PLN (reduced)

Hydropolis, the only centre of knowledge on water will open its door to visitors. The Europe-unique Hydropolis exhibition is located in a historic, 19th century, 4000 m. sq. underground reservoir of fresh water. The exhibition includes eight theme zones, each presenting water from a different, fascinating perspective.

Please note that the place enjoys much interest, so we recommend booking tickets via the internet. Organizer's webpage. More information here

Punkt widokowy w Kotowicach

Vantage point in Kotowice

The tower is open daily from 10 am to 8 pm, admission is free

The unique tourist facility is located in the hamlet Utrata over the Oder River in the town of Kotowice. The tower is located 20 km off the centre of Wroclaw.

The tower can be considered the most original tourist facility built in recent years in the immediate vicinity of Wroclaw. It is 40 metres high and is located right on the river bank. The vantage point allows an interesting panorama of the Nature 2000 area of the municipalities of Siechnice and Czernica, as well as of Wroclaw. In good weather you can enjoy the beautiful panorama of Wroclaw agglomeration, and a large part of Lower Silesia: the Sleza Massif, Niemczańsko-Strzelińskie Hills and the outline of the Sudetenland. More about events in the tower: here

Największa w Polsce makieta kolejki

Poland's largest train set

Every day from 10 am to 6 pm, Świebodzki Train Station, tickets: 15/19 PLN

The exhibition is divided into several parts. One of them is devoted to forestry and agriculture. It shows farm animals, and behind them, a beautifully rendered tourist farm. The second part includes the city of Karpacz and Mt. Śnieżka, with an accurate model of the observatory. Next, there is the Wroclaw Market Square, with precisely mapped houses, the Świebodzki Train Station and concrete housing blocks from ul. Żmigrodzkiej. In the heart of the model sits the train station Kolejkowo.pl with the replica of the mountain hut Szwajcarka. Read more here.

Afrykarium we wrocławskim Zoo godz. 9.00-20.00, ostatnie wejście o 19.00, pozostałe pawilony w zoo otwarte do 16.00  Pierwsze w Polsce oceanarium prezentujące faunę Czarnego Lądu jest integralną częścią wrocławskiego ogrodu zoologicznego.      Morze

Africarium in the Wroclaw Zoo

9 am - 6 pm

The first oceanarium in Poland, the integral part of Wroclaw Zoo, presents the fauna and flora of the Dark Continent.

  • Red Sea - corral reef and its fish;
  • Red Sea beach - desert tortoises; Great African lakes (Tanganika and Malawi) - ca. 50 different species of fish - cichlids;
  • The Mosambiqe Channel - rays, hammer sharks, leopard sharks;
  • Eastern Africa - Nile hippopotamuses, as well as savannah animals: rock rabbits (distant relatives of elephants), aardvarks (often mistaken for American anteaters!) as well as dikdiks (one of the smallest species of antelope);
  • The shore of Namibia - the external tanks of Wroclaw Africarium are the residence of black footed penguins and brown fur seals (related to popular sea lions);
  • The Congo River jungle - crocodiles, otters, manatees, as well as several species of tilapia fish and birds.
Tickets, sightseeing, parking, access
Kolejka gondolowa Politechniki Wrocławskiej - Polinka

Gondola lift of the Wroclaw Technical University - Polinka

Polinka runs from Monday to Friday, 7 am - 9 pm, and on Saturday and Sunday, 11 am - 6 pm. The starting point is the station at Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego and ul. Na Grobli. Students and post-graduates and employees of the WTU are eligible for free transport. Other passengers need to buy a ticket; a single regular ticket is 3 PLN, and a reduced is 1.5 PLN.

Te wrocławskie muzea zwiedzisz za darmo - godziny, wystawy

You can visit these Wroclaw museums for free

Check out the offer and the opening hours
Punkty widokowe we Wrocławiu

Vantage points in Wroclaw

Viewing terrace in Sky Tower, the Penitents' Bridge, the Mathematicians' Tower and the towers of the Archcathedral and St. Elisabeth's Church - these are the spots, from where you can admire the panorama of Wroclaw. Check out the opening hours during the long weekend... find out more

Park linowy na Wyspie Opatowickiej - otwarcie sezonu

Rope Park on Opatowicka Island

10 am, Opatowicka Island, ul. Braci Gierymskich 131

The rope park on Opatowicka Island welcome all comers: the youngsters, who start with the route Myszka (Mouse), and the older experts, who are not afraid to face the formidable Pantera (Panther). And what lies between Mouse and Panther? The remaining 5 routes, so that everyone will find something for themselves.

The Rope Park in Opatowicka Island is a complex of over 110 tree-suspended attractions (bridges, nets, wooden platforms, etc.), which form a kind of an over 1 km long obstacle course hung on steel cables at the height of 2 to 17 metres. The organizer's website

Ogród Botaniczny

Botanical Garden

8 am - 6 pm, visiting until 7 pm, ul. Sienkiewicza

The garden reopens after a winter break. Starting from Saturday, visitors will be welcome to the Botanical Garden of the University of Wroclaw. Founded more than two hundred years ago, the Wroclaw garden is one of the oldest facilities (after Krakow) of this type in Poland. It was established in 1811, along with the University, to which it belongs until the day. You can access the garden from ul. Sienkiewicza and from Ostrów Tumski, from ul. Kanonii.

Tickets: 15 PLN (regular) and 5 PLN (discount for school children, students, pensioners), 200 PLN for a year-round, personal pass.

Ogród Japoński otwarty po zimie

Japanese Garden reopens after a winter break

ul. Mickiewicza, open 9 am - 7 pm, tickets: 2/4 PLN, annual pass: 20 PLN

Wroclaw Japanese Garden is a special place, founded in admiration for the Japanese garden art, and co-created by specialists from Japan. It is over 100 years old, dating back to 1913, when the Centennial Hall hosted a unique event - the World Exhibition.

This season, visitors to Wroclaw Japanese Garden can now safely walk and take pictures on a wooden arched bridge, which has been renovated.

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