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  3. Investment that changed Wroclaw [PHOTOS]
Investment that changed Wroclaw [PHOTOS]

This multi-lane road was designed to take traffic away from Rynek, but the investment provoked controversy from the very start. This year's anniversary of the construction of the East-West route is its 43th. The article presents the road\'s history in archive photographs.

The article features photographs of ul Kazimierza Wielkiega that are dating back to the 1970s and were taken by two Wroclaw-based photographers: Stanisław Kokurewicz and Zbigniew Nowak. They are part of a larger photography collection held at the "Remembrance and Future" Centre. The photographs represent the construction of the East-West route, including the opening of the renovated Plac Dzierżyńskiego and a jazz show on the construction site of the Świdnickie Underpass.

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