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  3. Four-legged celebrities from Wroclaw
Four-legged celebrities from Wroclaw

Sigma, Gazozo, Agrest, Dante, Damar and Janush. If they do not sound familiar, maybe you should spend more time on the Internet. Meet the four-legged celebrities from Wroclaw. They are now rising in popularity.

Everything started with Grumpy Cat. This minuscule she-cat with an ever displeased facial expression has taken the Internet by storm. The owner used her darling's atypical features to build a brand of her own. You can now buy mascots, T-shirts, cups and many more with Grumpy Cat's image. Her success encouraged other owners to set up websites and Facebook profiles for their beloved animals. The fashion for four-legged celebrities has now arrived in Wroclaw. Find out more about the several most popular of them.

Franek and Emil

The two greatest fans of Panthers Wroclaw are called Emil and Franek. Half of the sporty Wroclaw crowds have simply fallen head over heels over the two French bulldogs. The other half are yet to hear about them.


She has her own Facebook profile, and you can also follow a series about the adventures of her biting toy on YouTube. The four-year-old dog is now taking Wroclaw by storm.

Damar, or Bohun's horse

The final scelne of Jerzy Hoffman's "Ogniem i mieczem" is simply unforgettable. Bohun, who was played by Alexander Domogarov, is mounting a black horse, which rears up, its mouth all covered in froth, and gallops into the distance. You can now also see this demonic stallion. The horse is by no means a dangerous or skittish one. This stately and well behaved horse is now enjoying his retirement in a pen at Partynice. This is also where he started his career.

Kraksa, by no means a calamity

Kraksa is atypical for a four-legged animal. She uses her front legs only. The dog was injured in a car accident 11 years ago. With a broken spine, she stood no chance to fully recover. She would probably have been put down if it had not been for Magdalena Łazarska. She took the dog in and gave her a new lease of life. The dog is now using a special wheelchair.

Penguin Janush

His initial decision was to hatch, but he later changed his mind. The zoo keepers finally came to his rescue. The nestling would not have survived without their assistance. The mother rejected the little penguin and he had to be bottle-fed. But he grew to become a healthy and fine looking specimen.

Dante, or Wrocław's Antiquarian Cat

This amiable redhead has been drawing cat lovers and tourists alike to an antiquarian bookshop in ul Szewska. You simply cannot miss him as he usually lies among books in the window display.

Wroclaw's Mysz

Ironically, this is not a rodent of any kind but a cornish rex cat. Mysz was born in June 2014. He could not go on sale because both Mysz and his brother had nasal congestion that nothing could heal. "Actually, I was taking a pig in the poke. I knew the cat would require costly treatment. Additionally, the cat is entirely white, which only shows he is prone to food allergies. It took some time for the cat to recover. Touch wood, he is healthy now," says Mysz's owner.


Sigma is now 2 years old.. "I took her from the Wroclaw animal shelter, where she ended up following an emergency intervention. It was love from the first sight, even though I was looking for a dog that would be more sporty," says Eliza, the owner and coach of this amiable dog. "I have never regretted the decision."


This redhead is a typical journalist's cat. When she took the cat in, our colleague Agnieszka Kołodyńska was yet to discover her immense love of cats. Agrest, who already has his own Facebook profile, is now also taking his first steps on Instagram.

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