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  3. Dog's Fashion

Over twenty photo shoots in professional studios. Make-up and lighting like for top models. And homeless dogs in front of the camera. "Po psu ta moda", or Dog's Fashion, kicked off in August. In Wroclaw and elsewhere.

"We've had over twenty photo shoots taken during the campaign, all of them based on iconic fashion magazine covers. Several dozen homeless dogs have visited our studio over the last three months. Some of them have already been adopted, which we haven't always realised. Our main goal, however, is to show that shelters are just bursting with dogs, each of which can look like a Vogue model," says Paweł Cichoń, the campaign's originator.

The campaign aims to raise the awareness of homeless dogs and to show that these dogs are in no way worse or uglier than their professionally bred cousins. The campaign includes 25 different photo shoots imitating prestigious fashion magazine covers. Homeless dogs were used in the campaign as models. Additionally, a new crowd funding project will be launched on 14 September. The income from the project, which is to sell gadgets with photo shoot prints, will be used for the purchase of articles and feed to support animal shelters.

The campaign's slogan "Po psu ta moda" (Dog's Fashion) is quite subversive. This is a completely new approach to fashion and to homeless animals, too. These animals usually look sad or terrible in the pictures. There are often injured, abandoned and depressed. This sad but true. However, the campaign's originators want to go beyond this stereotype. Their photographs represent animals among flowers or wearing a variety of hats or accessories. Washed and clean. Photo shoot are often carried out with animal behaviour specialists. The crew is striving to entertain the dog throughout the session. The aim is to show that these animals are worthy of love and responsible owners. "Apart from raising the awareness of the problem, we also want to encourage society to be more responsible. They aren't toys, these animals, and you can't discard them as soon as you get bored. It takes commitment and a heart to have a dog," say the campaign's originators.

The photo shoot results are available at here as well as on Facebook. The majority of dog models have already found a new home. Now this is the greatest success you can imagine.

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