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  3. Barbara Piasecka-Johnson's collection on auction
Barbara Piasecka-Johnson's collection on auction

She read Art History in Wroclaw, and later used her knowledge to create, together with her husband, John Seward Johnson, one of the most valuable art collections worldwide. Barbara Piasecka-Johnson bought numerous collector's items to furnish her houses. Over 90 such objects will be put up for an auction on Friday 27. March. The event is going to be held in Wroclaw.

Perfect art collector

The names of the painters whose works Barbara Piasecka-Johnson purchased for collection will simply make your head spin. The names such as Vermeer, Caravaggio, Bronzino, Rubens, van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Modigliani should speak for themselves. She was also in possession of an 18th-century Badminton cabinet which later fetched 38 million USD to become the most expensive piece of furniture in history.

Furniture, silverware, china, drawings

The items at the Wroclaw auction will be more modest, since the most lavish and valuable works in Piasecka-Johnson's collection have been already sold by Sotheby's and Christie's. Art collectors in Wroclaw (the auction will also be followed from Warszawa) can purchase a number of Piasecka-Johnson's personal belongings bequeathed by her foundation.

The collection includes real rarities, especially furniture: Renaissance and Baroque English and Italian chests of drawers, desks, cupboards, trunks, tables, chairs, screens and bureaus. Those who like to lavish their tables will certainly appreciate English silverware (tea and coffee sets, pitchers, chandeliers and platters) and china, including plates and platters, as well as silver pitchers and decanters. Most of the items can be classified as decorative art, but the auction will also feature several intriguing drawings and religious sculptures.

Very little is known on the role these valuable objects played in Piasecka-Johnson's houses or whether they were used on a daily basis (e.g china or bureaus). Barbara Piasecka-Johnson was particularly keen to protect her privacy.

Take your wallet with you

How much do you have to take with you to make a successful bid? "Prices range from several hundred to several thousand PLN," says Magdalena Chromik from DAES, the antique shop organising the auction.

A Chinese style cabinet, painted in black and gilded. Made in England (George I) in the first half of the 18th century. Starting price: 18,000 PLN.

Thus, for example, a beautiful and stylish 18th-century Chinese style cabinet can be purchased for at least 18 thousand PLN (starting price), and a 17th-century drawing by a member of Lorrain's circle for 4.5 thousand PLN. However, some items will be more affordable, including china and silverware with starting prices ranging from one thousand PLN to one thousand and a half.

The auction will be held at the Old Bourse building in Wroclaw on Friday 27. March at 6.00 p.m., and simultaneously at the Bristol Hotel (Raspberry Hall) in Warszawa. Bids for each item will be simultaneously accepted in Wroclaw and in Warszawa (bids will be displayed on the special screen). All participants are required to register for the event. More information is available at the following website www.aukcjeisztuka.com.pl, where prospective buyers can also search a catalogue with starting prices. The income from the auction will be transferred to charity organisations founded by Barbara Piasecka-Johnson.

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