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wroclaw.pl strona główna
  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. News
  3. 30th Wrocław Good Books Fair. Special guest – Ukraine

Opening hours of the Wrocław Good Books Fair

  • 1 December 2022 (Thursday) – 12:00–19:00 
  • 2 December 2022 (Friday) – 11:00–19:00
  • 3 December 2022 (Saturday) – 11:00–19:00
  • 4 December 2022 (Sunday) – 11:00–17:00

Entry to the 30th Wrocław Good Books Fair will cost PLN 2, with free entry for children, youth in larger groups and senior citizens. 

Wrocław Good Books Fair – Ukraine as special guest

The organisers recognise the difficult situation of culture in Ukraine, including the Ukrainian book market. Eight Ukrainian publishers will come to Wrocław; there will be a special stand for Ukraine.

Meetings with Ukrainian writers are also planned:

Saturday, December 3 / Blue Hall

  • 12:00–12:50 Yuriy Vynnychuk
  • 13:00–13:50 Mykola Riabchuk
  • 16:00–16:50: Vasyl Makhno

Imperial Hall

  • 18:00 – 18:50 Another edition of politically incorrect stories. Meeting with Piotr Zychowicz around the book UKRAIŃCY.

Sunday, December 4

  • 12:00–12:50: Oksana Zabuzhko/Blue Room
  • 15:00–15:50 Tamara Duda/Green Hall 

Important information for parents who will be coming to Centennial Hall with their children. Wrocław’s Klub Anima has organised a special children’s corner where you’ll be able to leave your child in care while you shop at the fair. 

Getting to the fair

  • Bus lines: 145, 146 to the Hala Stulecia stop 
  • Trams: 1, 2, 4, 10 and 16 to the Hala Stulecia or ZOO stops

Car parks

  • Budimex Parking – ul. Wystawowa 1, entry is possible from ul. Kopernika through the rebuilt intersection with ul. Wróblewskiego
  • Parking Zoo Wrocław - ul. Wróblewskiego 9

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