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  3. Afrykarium named one of Top Ten Investments in Poland
Afrykarium named one of Top Ten Investments in Poland

Wroclaw's Afrykarium has been named one of the Top Ten Investments in Poland. The zoo's latest attraction dazzled both the award committee and the Internet, which brought honours in the competition for the Top Ten Municipal Investments Award 2015 organised by portalsamorządowy.pl

The award was presented to Radosław Ratajszczak, Head of the Wroclaw Zoo, who attended the gala organised at the International Congress Centre in Katowice. This is the fourth edition of the competition for the Top Ten Municipal Investments Award. The aim of the event is to promote Poland's best local government investment projects. Afrykarium beat hundreds of applications from communes and cities all over Poland. Nearly 50 thousand votes were submitted in the competition. "We promote investments that are both innovative and exceptional, something different and unique," explains Rafał Kerger, Editor-in-Chief at portalsamorządowy.pl.

Wroclaw's Afrykarium is a modern leisure complex which raises awareness of the environment, promotes knowledge on a variety of species inhabiting the land, rivers, seas and oceans and showcases Africa, a continent which remains exotic and unique for all of us Europeans. The innovative character of the project includes the unique concept to present Africa's aquatic and semi-aquatic environments, habitat sustenance technology and the building's unique design. The cost of the investment reaches 220 million PLN. The final ten of the competition also included investments in renewable resources of energy in Mszana Dolna or the all-year-round leisure centre in Olsztyn.

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