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  3. More flights from Wroclaw to Frankfurt

Lufthansa offers flights from Wroclaw to two large German cities and two largest European stop-over airports, namely Frankfurt and Munich. The airways achieved rapid growth on these two routes last year. On average, tickets to Frankfurt sold at the rate of 80% or even 90% (in the hottest months) per flight.

"Wroclaw and Lower Silesia are growing in power. We have multinational companies coming to the region as well as thriving industry, but the global world makes you travel a lot. This is a mutually driven mechanism. The carriers have already noticed this, which is why they are offering new opportunities for their passengers," says Dariusz Kuś, President of the Wroclaw Airport.

For this reason, the summer grid will include new flights provided by Lufthansa. As of 20 April, the airway is going to expand its offer with evening flights to Frankfurt. The 19.15 Frankfurt flights will be served from Monday to Friday by a Bombardier CRJ900, an aircraft which can board up to 90 passengers. The plane form Frankfurt will touch down in Wroclaw at 18.15 (departure from Frankfurt at 17.00).

As a result, the passengers will be able to choose from three different flights on working days and two different flights at weekends. The new flight was eagerly awaited by those passengers who fly on business. Additional late departure and arrival times help them to plan their day more easily. The evening flight is also a perfect solution to those passengers who stop over in Germany and continue their journey to Asia or South America:

  • São Paulo: departure from Wroclaw at 19.15, arrival in Frankfurt at 20.40, departure from Frankfurt at 21.45, arrival in São Paulo at 04.55
  • Buenos Aires: departure from Wroclaw at 19.15, arrival in Frankfurt at 20.40, departure from Frankfurt at 22.05, arrival in Buenos Aires at 07.05
  • Shanghai: departure from Wroclaw at 19.15, arrival in Frankfurt at 20.40, departure from Frankfurt at 22.05, arrival in Shanghai at 14.55

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