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  3. Many changes for MPK passengers from the weekend [LIST OF CHANGES]

In the next few days, inhabitants of Wroclaw should expect many changes in bus and tram traffic. The renovation of ul. Pomorska starts, turnouts in the area of the Zwierzyniecki Bridge are being replaced, and a few other investments are about to begin. Check how to travel around Wroclaw and which bus and tram lines will have a different timetable from 27th August

Reconstruction of ul. Pomorska. Changes from 27th August

On Saturday 27th August, the reconstruction of ul. Pomorska and ul. Staszica starts.

The street will be closed (works will last for 1.5 years), with only tram service allowed on the section from Plac Staszica to ul. Reymonta.

Two tram lines and four bus lines will change their routes. The works will last around 1.5 years.

  • Tram lines 15 and 74 will operate on a detour route from Plac Staszica via Plac Powstańców Wielkopolskich, ul. Chrobrego, Łokietka and Drobnera to ul. Dubois.
  • Bus lines K, 142 and 257 running from Różanka towards the city centre will operate on a detour route from ul. Reymonta via ul. Łowiecka, Kurkowa and Dubois to ul. Drobnera. In addition, buses will also stop at a temporary bus stop at ul. Kurkowa (on the height of Plac Strzeleckiego) and at the tram and bus stop at ul. Dubois (in front of the intersection with ul. Pomorska).
  • In the opposite direction, bus lines K, 142 and 257 will operate on a detour route from the Uniwersytecki Bridge via ul. Cybulskiego, Pomorska, Dubois, Kurkowa and Łowiecka to ul. Reymonta. The detour route will include Pomorska stops (near the intersection of ul. Pomorska and Dubois) and a temporary bus stop at ul. Kurkowa (on the height of Plac Strzeleckiego).
  • Bus lines will operate in both directions on a detour route from Plac Powstańców Wielkopolskich via ul. Chrobrego, Łokietka and Drobnera to the Uniwersytecki Bridge.

Without tram service to Biskupin. Changes from 27th August

On 27th August, another stage of replacement of tram turnouts near the intersection of ul. Mickiewicza and Wajdy with the Zwierzyniecki Bridge starts.

From 27th August, routes of tram lines 2, 4 and 10 will be shortened to the Olympic Stadium terminus.

On the Plac Grunwaldzki – Bartoszowice – Plac Grunwaldzki section, passengers can use a replacement bus line 701, which will run as follows:

  • till 6:00 a.m. – every 7.5 minutes;
  • from 6:00 a.m. till 9.00 a.m. – every 6 minutes;
  • from 9:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. – every 7.5 minutes;
  • from 2:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. – every 6 minutes;
  • from 6:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. – every 7.5 minutes;
  • in the evening hours (after 8:00 p.m.) – every 10 minutes;
  • Saturday and Sunday – every 10 minutes.

Reconstruction of the intersection at ul. Strzegomska and Gubińska. Changes from 27th August

Another stage of reconstruction of the intersection at ul. Strzegomska and Gubińska will also start on Saturday 27th August. These works are related to the construction of the trackage of the tram route to Nowy Dwór.

  • Passengers can expect changes in routes of bus lines 109, 122, 126, 148, 909, 927, 241 and 246. Buses running from the Żerniki and Kuźniki housing estates towards ul. Strzegomska will return to their route via ul. Gubińska.
  • The temporary Chociebuska stop on the route of bus lines 122 and 909 will be liquidated.
  • Bus lines 927 and 247 from Muchobór Wielki will run from ul. Strzegomska via ul. Gubińska and Chociebuska to the Nowy Dwór (terminus) stop in front of the intersection with ul. Żernicka. In the opposite direction, buses will depart from the Nowy Dwór (terminus) stop at ul. Zemska and will run via ul. Żernicka, Chociebuska and Gubińska to ul. Strzegomska.

Change of the route of bus line 127 on the Kozanów housing estate from 27th August

  • From 27th August, the route of bus line 127 will change permanently, leading in both directions via ul. Gwarecka and Dokerska to ul. Kozanowska and stopping additionally at the Kozanów (Dokerska) stop.

Renovation of the level crossing at ul. Sołtysowiecka on 26th–28th August

  • On 26th–28th August, works will be performed in connection with the renovation of the level crossing at ul. Sołtysowicka. From Friday 26th August, 6:00 p.m., till Sunday 28th August, 4:00 a.m., changes in routes of bus lines 116, 119 and 246 will be introduced.
  • Bus line 116 will operate in both directions on a detour route from ul. Toruńska via Al. Kromera, ul. Krzywoustego and Al. Poprzeczna to ul. Sołtysowicka, excluding Berenta, Kasprowicza, Pl. Daniłowskiego,  Przybyszewskiego, Czajkowskiego, Koszarowa (Szpital), Koszarowa and Sołtysowicka stops.
  • Bus lines 119 and 246 will operate in both directions on a detour route from ul. Sołtysowicka via Al. Poprzeczna, ul. Krzywoustego and Czajkowskiego to ul. Sołtysowicka, excluding Koszarowa and Sołtysowicka stops.

The stop at ul. Fabryczna changes its name from 27th August

  • On 27th August, Integracyjny Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości stops at ul. Fabryczna in the area of the Wroclaw Business Park will change their name to ‘Fabryczna’.

Additional bus stop at ul. Obornicka from 27th August

  • The additional bus stop towards the city centre will be located on the route of bus lines 105, 108, 111 and 244 and one-way trips from the depot at ul. Obornicka.
  • The Obornicka (Wołowska) stop will be located near the intersection of ul. Obornicka and Wołowska. Its status is ‘upon request’.

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