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  3. Zoo mobile map: competition to test app
Zoo mobile map: competition to test app

Visitors can enjoy the zoo with a mobile map as of the end of 2014. Until recently, the app was available only for Android. From April onwards the map will also work on IPhone and IPad. You will also be able to take a selfie with animals. The roll out of the app at the App Store will be preceded by a competition.

Participants in the competition will run a huge trial of the map. In order to join the competition, you need to send your application at [email protected] by 26 March.

The task of the participants is to run a thorough test of the app to find gaps in the system. Are all animals tagged correctly? Does the app allow you to add selected animals to your route and give you suitable directions around the zoo? How do the feeding time alerts work?

"There's no better way to create a perfect app than run a trial with its target users. We will correct all of the faults found by the users and will make the map available for iOS in mid-April,says Paweł Maksymczak, Director at the Wroclaw branch of Sii, the company which conceived, created and sponsored the application.

The big trial run is expected to take place this weekend. Those who wish to take part should send their applications at [email protected] by 26 March. Those who prove the most effective in detecting the gaps will be offered year passes to the zoo for an entire family.

Use the app to find the animal, the toilet or the restaurant

The Wroclaw Zoo Mobile Map offers four ready-made routes which you can later modify to your liking. The programme will take you on the best route to suit your needs and will guide you to see all the animals you have specified. The mobile app also contains information on feeding times for particular animals. A special alert will remind you of the upcoming feeding time at the spot closest to your location. The mobile map will also help you to find the nearest exit, toilet or restaurant.

Additionally, the app for iOS will be integrated with Facebook. The users will be able to add special graphics with the animals from the zoo and their own photos. The mobile map will soon become a platform to support endangered species as well.

For more information, please visit the Wroclaw Zoo website.

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