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  3. Young entrepreneurs talked about funding at Startup WRO Meetup

The funding of startup projects was the subject of this year’s first meeting in the Startup WRO Meetup series held in the Basecamp Student at ul. Sienkiewicza on 28th February. Representatives of young technological companies could not only learn where to obtain money for their projects from, but also make new interesting contacts, also with investors.

The second edition of the Startup WRO Meetup series has just started. These are substantive and networking meetings for startups, entrepreneurs and technology enthusiasts. The first event held by Startup Wroclaw this year took place on 28th February 2024.

Paulina Muszyńska, the manager of Startup Wroclaw: ‘We have just started the second season of meetings for startups, innovators and technology enthusiasts. We are happy that this event is still very popular. It attracted over 220 persons. This is even more than in the previous edition.’

In Muszyńska’s view, this shows that more and more people in Wroclaw are interested in modern technologies and innovations: ‘Today we talked about funding and about the potential of funds and other organisations able to support the development of startups.’

The European Union invests in new technologies, environment and energy

Participants of the meeting could talk to experts about the possibilities of funding their financial projects. They shared their knowledge about the ways and sources from which funds can be obtained for the development of startups.

Agnieszka Wojdyr, the chief administrator in the European Commission, talked about what this institution could offer to them: ‘We are looking for startups that have ambitions to develop on a European and global level. These are elite startups, and I believe they can be found in Wroclaw as well. Especially because many of them here deal with the latest technologies and artificial intelligence.’

According to the European Commission’s expert, very few Polish companies have received such funding so far. Perhaps they lack information or practical support.

Agnieszka Wojdyr: ‘I encourage startups dealing with the environment or energy to get involved. These are sectors that the European Commission will particularly want to support.’

Young companies want to meet and exchange experiences

During the meeting, Ewa Smektała from Cedepe also shared her experience concerning the skilful management, optimisation and effective financial control of cash flow. The substantive part was concluded by Adrian Czyczerski, President of Meeting Application, who talked about his business path in the world of events. He strongly recommended attending such events as Startup WRO Meetup.

Adrian Czyczerski: ‘During the Covid-19 pandemic, we noticed that the need for proximity and face-to-face information exchange is particularly important and it is crucial to organise such events where young companies can meet, share their knowledge and help each other.’

During the meeting, the main conclusions from the latest report ‘Polish Startups 2023’ created by the Startup Poland Foundation were also presented. According to this report, Wroclaw became the national leader in respect of the number of technological companies in the second year in a row.

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