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  3. Wrocław October/November Weekend – 31.10-2.11
Wrocław October/November Weekend – 31.10-2.11

Some bid goodbye to October with Halloween, others with parish-organised events, but you can also go to a concert to go to, which undoubtedly favours the time of reflection. The first days of October will also be quiet and lost in reverie. For that time we propose atmospheric jazz All-Souls Day at Stary Klasztor.

OSIECKA JAZZOWO [Osiecka Jazz Style] at Wrocław Jazz All Souls Day Klub Stary Klasztor, ul. Purkyniego 1, 18.00. Tickets: 20 PLN - seats, 10 PLN - standing passes (students) The Osiecka Jazz Style project is a set of the most beautiful ballads of Agnieszka Osiecka in jazz renditions, as well as the All Souls Day jam session, in remembrance of all late musicians of Wrocław, conducted by Wrocławska Szkoła Jazzu i Muzyki Rozrywkowej [Wrocław School of Jazz and Entertainment Music]. The concert will feature Just Friends Band, a young quartet from Wrocław, who will play such hits as: "Nocne gadanie" [Night Talk], "Kiedy mnie już nie będzie" [When I Am Gone] or "Sing sing". The band are: vocalist and pianist Zuzanna Mizgalska, Krzysztof Żesławski - jazz guitarist, founder of the project and producer, Wojtek Bergander - double-bass player, and drummer Michał Lasota.

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