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  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. News
  3. Wroclaw for weekend: January 29-31, 2016 [EVENTS]
Księże Działa - koncert na Księżu Małym

Księże Działa - concert in Księże Małe

Sunday, January 31, from 4.30, the room of the Housing Association Księże Małe, ul. Tarnogórska 1, free admisison

A guitar band Jacaras and a young singer and poet Kamil Borkowski will perform this Sunday, in the room of the Housing Association Księże Małe in ul. Tarnogórska 1. The concerts will be preceded by a lecture, as well as a tutorial and a match of the board game Go. Admission to the event is free.

40-lecie U.K.SUBS w Starym Klasztorze

40th anniversary of the U.K. SUBS in Stary Klasztor

January 31, 6.30 p.m., Stary Klasztor music club, ul. Purkyniego 1, tickets: 40-55 PLN

U.K. SUBS, the British punk legend celebrates his 40th anniversary. On this occasion, the band has set off on an international tour, accompanied by a charismatic English singer and composer TV.Smith. During the anniversary concert, they will be accompanied by the Polish legend of punk rock - the band GAGA/ZIELONE ŻABKI

Ferie w Eterze

Winter break in Eter

January 31, 9 pm, Eter Club, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego, admission 20 PLN

Taito starts the winter break with a bang, i.e. a party. A large dose of club and electronic music awaits. In addition, guests will receive fluorescent bracelets at the door.

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