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  3. Wroclaw dragons to have a new home [PHOTOS]
Wroclaw dragons to have a new home [PHOTOS]

It will be modern, but what is more important, comfortable for the animals. Wroclaw Zoo started a renovation of the old warehouses by the terrarium. In a few months, it will be turned into an enclosure for large monitor lizards.

The collection of Wroclaw terrarium includes as many as fourteen species of monitor lizards, including the largest, called Komodo dragons. Three females of this species are growing fast and soon the current room would be too small for them. That's why a construction of a large complex for lizards, consisting of two sixty metre enclosures, was undertaken. To this end adapted will be the old storage rooms. The terrarium will also have an additional entrance, so that people in wheelchairs can reach the main exhibition on the ground floor of the terrarium.

The new part will house other large lizards, such as Papuan dragons, as well as several smaller species, such as black and emerald monitor lizards. From the adjacent café, you will be able to peek at the secret life of the 'dragons' through a glass. The construction is expected to take five months.

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