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  3. Wroclaw City Bike: 2015 season summary
Wroclaw City Bike: 2015 season summary

855 thousand borrowings and 40 thousand new users will give you a picture of how successful Wroclaw City Bikes have become in a new formula.

The season came to a close on the night of 20 November. The WRM (Wroclaw City Bike) facilities now include a total of 74 bike stations and 740 bikes (compared to 33 stations and ca. 200 bikes last year). "The Wroclaw network is Poland's second largest after the Veturilo system in Warsaw," said Nextbike President Tomasz Wojtkiewicz. "We both extended and retrofitted the network to provide monitoring and a state-of-the-art electric bike locking system.

"This year was a record-breaking one, but we are already looking forward to the upcoming season, as we plan to further develop the Wroclaw City Bike system," said Wroclaw's Deputy Mayor Maciej Bluj. "The 1.8 million kilometres done by our users is a huge obligation," he added.

The record breaking user also attended the 2015 season summary. Wojciech Glapiak used the system 732 times, which means he rode a city bike 4 times a day on average. "My brother and I were just cycling around the city and had no plans to break any records. When the phone rang yesterday I first thought I had forgotten to return the bike," says Wojcieck Glapiak laughingly.


  • Number of borrowings: 857,294 (the 2015 season kicked off on 28 April and was nearly a month shorter than in the preceding year. The 2014 season: 131,701) - an increase by 650%!
  • New registrations: 39,685 (3,709 in the 2014 season) - an increase by 1070%
  • Largest number of borrowings (daily): 8,045 on 3 June (1,382 on 22 May in the season 2014) - an increase by 582%
  • Largest number of borrowings (by user): 732 (463 in the season 2014) - 58% more

According to statistics, a city bike in Wroclaw was borrowed every 18 seconds, and a new user registered every 6 minutes. The average borrowing time in the 2015 season was ca. 18 minutes, which means that the majority of journeys were made free of charge (20-minute limit).

Most popular bike stations in the season 2015 (borrowings):

  • Rynek - 3.9%
  • Wita Stwosza - Szewska - 3.6%
  • Reagana Roundabout - 3.5%
  • Sky Tower - 3.3%
  • Arkady - 2.7%

Most popular bike stations in the season 2015 (returns):

  • Rynek - 4.4%
  • Wita Stwosza - Szewska - 3.7%
  • Reagana Roundabout - 3.5%
  • Sky Tower - 3.4%
  • Świdnicka - Chrobry - 2.7%

Most popular routes in the season 2015:

  • Wroclaw University of Technology - Main Building - Teki
  • Reagana Roundabout - Teki
  • Teki - Wroclaw University of Technology - Main Building

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