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  3. When does the heating season start in Wroclaw? When will radiators be warm?
When will radiators be turned on in Wroclaw? fot. Tomasz Hołod/www.wroclaww.pl
When will radiators be turned on in Wroclaw?

The heating season – the period of the year when radiators in our homes have to be warm – will soon begin in Wroclaw.

The summer is coming to an end. The latest slight temperature drop on days and nights reminds us that radiators will soon be turned on in our homes. What will the heating season be like this year? The season usually starts at the end of September and lasts till the beginning of April.

Building owners turn the heating on when the air temperature falls below 10 degrees in the open air and below 16 degrees in apartments for at least three days in a row.

Investments in the Wroclaw heat distribution network

The Fortum company responsible for heat distribution performed network repair works in Wroclaw for the amount of 31 million PLN last year. For this purpose, it spent 22.5 million PLN on the connection of new facilities to the network and 8.5 million PLN for the modernisation and reconstruction of the existing infrastructure.

In the heating season 2021/2022, the biggest demand for heat among Wroclaw inhabitants was recorded on 27th December 2021, when the temperature fell below -7.6°C. On that day, Fortum supplied 60,151 GJ of heat in response to the demand. The quantity of heat supplied from October 2021 till April 2022 was almost the same as last year.

When will radiators be turned on in Wroclaw?

The Wroclaw heat and power plant produces heat and electric energy for the whole calendar year. The decision when to turn the heating on in individual households is made by the manager of the housing community or co-operative.

Heating emergency service: phone number 993

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