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Data from hours 01:35

wroclaw.pl strona główna
  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. News
  3. Visit Nadodrze

Wroclaw's Nadodrze is a neighbourhood relatively unscathed by the passage of time. Located in Przedmieście Odrzańskie, this northern district of Wroclaw was left intact by World War II. The unique architecture characteristic of Wroclaw's city centre has survived in the area/ Those who walk down the cobbled streets of Nadodrze are easily drawn by the sight of 19th- and 20-century buildings, greenery and and the shop-signs of local craftsmen. This sometimes produces an impression whereby the world dominated by the silhouette of the nearby power and heating plant chimney has been stuck in a time warp or captured in a snapshot, as it were. Only the sky, which is devoid of any sepia tones, testifies to the contrary.

Feel free to explore Tomasz Walków's gallery of Nadodrze. We also recommend you to start your journey with your own ARTISTIC MAP OF NADODRZE (click)

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