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  3. The war in Ukraine has lasted for a month: how Wroclaw copes
The war in Ukraine has lasted for a month: how Wroclaw copes

Before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, around 100,000 citizens of this country lived, worked and learned in Wroclaw. After 24th February, up to 7,000 refugees arrived in the Wrocław Główny railway station every day. It is estimated that around 250,000 persons have come to Wroclaw since the beginning of the armed conflict.

The city and its inhabitants are going through a solidarity test. Volunteers work in aid points, countless private persons bring meals and equipment needed by refugees, and foundations, NGOs and schools are constantly at refugees’ disposal.

The office, its units and municipal companies are also active.

Accommodation. 20 accommodation points have been created in Wroclaw

  • Since the beginning of the war, the city has provided places to sleep and rest to almost 20,000 persons: in hotels and hostels, in the artistic gallery on the Main Railway Station, at the Airport, in one of the sports arenas or in an unused school building.
  • Now we provide accommodation to around 2,000 refugees every day, and 1,000 places are ready to accommodate further refugees.
  • All persons to whom we provide accommodation receive three meals a day. Until now, 53,000 meals have been dispensed in these points.
  • In the last few days, the number of incoming refugees has slightly dropped.


  • The province governor’s services decide which cities except Wroclaw will receive refugees. Refugees are relocated to smaller cities and towns in Lower Silesia (e.g., Jelenia Góra, Zgorzelec, Wałbrzych, Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Złotoryja).

Collection and dispensing of gifts

  • The collection of gifts started in all schools and kindergartens in Wroclaw already in the first days of the war. Thanks to the generousness of Wroclaw inhabitants, we could send 30 trucks with over 300 tons of gifts to Ukraine.
  • Wroclaw is supported also by its partner cities. Transports from Germany, Netherlands, Belgium or Switzerland arrive at warehouses.
  • Currently, more and more persons visit aid points to get the most necessary things. Gifts are increasingly often collected by the needy immediately upon delivery.
  • Only in CZASOPRZESTRZEŃ, 42,000 refugees have received aid during the last month. Over 200 tons of gifts have been dispensed.

Aid reception points:

  • All Wroclaw schools and kindergartens
  • Czasoprzestrzeń, ul. Tramwajowa 1-3
  • Centrum Sektor 3, ul. Legnicka 65/closed from April 01
  • Point of support for mothers with children, ul. Legnicka 21
  • Additional collection point – Tarczyński Arena.

Education: schools and kindergartens

Before the outbreak of the war, 4,500 children from Ukraine attended Wroclaw schools.

  • In preparatory classes functioning in Wroclaw for years, foreigners learn the basics of Polish and prepare for main learning. Currently there are 42 such classes; some new ones will be established in the next few weeks and others will follow from September.
  • Almost immediately after the outbreak of the war, seven care centres were open for all children that have fled the war zone to Wroclaw.
  • At the same time, registration for available places in schools and kindergartens started. During the month of the war, over 4,000 young Ukrainians were admitted to Wroclaw schools and kindergartens. This number will certainly grow and, therefore, the educational system is one of the biggest challenges we face today.
  • In accordance with the new regulation, the number of places in school and kindergarten units was increased. Maximum 28 (formerly 25) children may attend kindergarten units, and up to 29 (formerly 25) pupils may attend grades 1–3 of primary schools.

Information in Ukrainian: infopoint, Internet, bulletin

  • Przejście Dialogu [Passage of Dialogue] is the most important information point for refugees from Ukraine in the city – it has given over 10,000 consultations (both on the spot and on the telephone) so far.
  • On www.wroclaw.pl, a dedicated tab in Ukrainian has been launched with up-to-date verified information concerning any kind of help, accommodation, employment, health or transport.
  • Printed materials: 200,000 copies of Wroclaw.pl Bulletin (with an insert in Ukrainian), 20,000 copies of a free magazine Wrocław dla Ukrainy [Wroclaw for Ukraine] and 40,000 copies of ‘Dolny Śląsk dla Ukrainy>>'<< [‘Lower Silesia for Ukraine>>'<<] – a paper bulletin in Ukrainian concerning the possibilities of relocation and residence in Lower Silesia.

Free psychological assistance

  • Points of free psychological assistance in Ukrainian (in some points, also in English) have been established. Some consultations are provided on the spot and others on the telephone.
  • A special information point functions in the County Employment Office in Wroclaw. In the last few days, Wroclaw’s Local Employment Office [PUP] with the Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency gathered the total number of over 4,000 job offers, and more than 500 citizens of Ukraine found a job.
  • The Act on help to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the military conflict in the territory of Ukraine makes it easier for refugees to find legal employment in Poland. First of all, it allows for the legalisation of their stay for a period of 18 months, which is a great help in looking for employment. Ukrainians can also register as unemployed persons or job seekers. Citizens of Ukraine can count not only on job offers, but also on professional activation, e.g., the development of skills or retraining. The County Employment Office in Wroclaw proposes also refunding a part of costs of employment of a referred citizen of Ukraine within the scope of intervention works to entrepreneurs.
  • City guard: nine refugees have been employed in civil positions in the last few weeks. Now they support guards in dividing and packing gifts for refugees in Wroclaw aid points.
  • MPK Wrocław (a municipal public transport company) is willing to employ Ukrainian bus and tram drivers and mechanics. Those who know the basics of Polish may apply for a job already now. For others, MPK will soon organise a course for tram and bus drivers and a Polish language course. Currently, they are offered the performance of cleaning and other works where the command of Polish is not required. The interest is large. The first employees from Ukraine will come to MPK at the beginning of April.
  • Education. According to the special act, it is possible to use a fast employment path for Ukrainian teachers, but only for the position of an assistant teacher.

City Office: PESEL (Personal ID Number), benefits

PESEL numbers

  • Since Wednesday 16th March (the day when the special act came into force), over 5,200 PESEL numbers have been issued in three Inhabitant Service Centres.
  • Since 14th March, visits have been booked for 21,000 citizens of Ukraine willing to obtain a PESEL number.
  • Altogether, over 2,700 persons have used free photo points during two days.

Applications for 40 PLN for persons taking refugees from Ukraine under their roof

  • Applications may be filed from Monday in Customer Service Centres belonging to the Municipal Resource Administration and the Wrocławskie Mieszkania company.
  • 45 applications were filed until Wednesday. Applications are verified in Customer Service Centres and then, if necessary, in the Wroclaw City Office.

300 PLN for citizens of Ukraine

  • The benefit is provided by the Municipal Social Welfare Centre [MOPS]. In Wroclaw, there are 13 points where applications may be filed. Until now, refugees have filed around 500 applications for this benefit.

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