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  3. Startup Wrocław: Evolutions: a different viewpoint
Startup Wrocław: Evolutions: a different viewpoint

Inspiring conversations, interesting topics and engaging guests. This is the focus of the meetings for the Wrocław startup industry. Equally important is the integration of the environment and building stronger relationships between the active and entrepreneurial residents of Wrocław.

And this is what's coming up at the next meeting of Startup Wrocław: evolutions, to which would like to invite entrepreneurs, people who are considering starting a business, and young people who want to know the Wrocław startup environment. The event will take place on 22 November in the Nowe Horyzonty Cinema, starts at 6 pm. Admission is free, a registration link can be found at the end of the article.

The end of year is a good time to meet and talk about new opportunities, creative ideas and effective ways for their implementation. Analysing the successes and failures of the past year, we get a list of our strengths and weaknesses - what we can already boast of, and that, on which we still have to work.

The next meeting of Startup Wrocław is entitled Evolutions, or "See another point of view." And this is about both the exchange of experience and the ability to look at our product from the buyer's perspective, or trying to convince others that it is our idea is the best.

Come, learn, explore

The meeting will include two parts. During the first, the invited experts will try to answer the question: "How to sell well?". Tomek Karwatka with Divante will share how sales solves all the problems, and how to gain new customers in technology companies. Afterwards, Maciej Frankowicz with Arkley Venture Capital will share how to make a "love affair" with the investor more than... a one-night stand.

The second part is a presentation of the newly created Startup Founders initiative. One of its key activities will be the organization of meetings, during which entrepreneurs who have established, managed and developed startups could meet at one time and place. We plan to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas for cooperation in a small group, based on the map of competence of each of us.

Become inspired!

The third part of the conference is a meeting with special guest, a business strategist, management consultant, managers coach and motivational speaker John Spence. During our conference, he will talk about leading a team and effective persuasion to the rightness of one's ideas. After such a dose of knowledge and inspiration, join us at a networking meeting, during which we will be able to get to know each other and exchange experiences in a relaxed club atmosphere.

Startup: Wrocław 2016

In May, we organized the conference Startup: Wrocław 2016, dedicated to the concepts of innovative economy and modern city. The event's numbers are: 900 visitors, 36 speakers and seven debates. We appreciate feedback to the conference from the people, mostly young, who have high hopes for creating their own micro-enterprises, which will be noticed and partnered with by large, flagship companies wishing to take advantage of the innovative knowledge of small businesses.

Get ready!

On the other hand, a day earlier, i.e. on Nov 21, a meeting will take place at the Technical University of Wrocław, which is a kind of prelude to our events. It will cover topics, which then will be developed during the conference Startup Wrocław: Evolutions. The meeting at the University of Technology is addressed to the academic community, concerned with the subject of business, personal development and innovation.

The conference Startup Wrocław: Evolutions will be held on Tuesday, November 22, at 6 pm at the Nowe Horyzonty Cinema. Admission is free, but pre-registration is required at: Startup Wroclaw: Evolutions

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