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  3. Share Christmas greetings with #życzę campaign
Share Christmas greetings with #życzę campaign

Christmas is drawing near. And greetings are its integral part. This year we would like you to stop for a moment and think about greetings you would share with your friends and family, strangers and yourselves. Let us make a concerted effort to turn Christmas into something meaningful and memorable.

The #życzę initiative is carried out by the Wroclaw Centre for Social Development as part of the "Poświętuj Komuś Święta" social campaign. The campaign is aimed at the residents of Wroclaw to show that Christmas is about people and not shopping malls. This is also a chance to spend time together, meet your friends or relatives, and to realise that there are other people around you.

You can use the following website poswietuj.pl to upload your photograph and a greeting card with the #życzę hash tag according to your own design. You can publish photographs on your Facebook with the hash tag #życzę or send them to our fan page: facebook.com/RozwojSpoleczny. While all submitted photographs will be published on the website, selected photographs will also be included in a Christmas exhibition. First photos have already been published at the Centre for Social Development fan page and website.

You can also have your photo taken and add your greetings during this year's Wroclaw Christmas Carolling organised by the Wroclaw Centre for Social Development (14 December at 3 pm). The organisers have invited a number of celebrities, such as actors and athletes, to support the event. As you take part in the celebrations, you can also choose people to send your greetings to. All you need to do is fill in your greeting card and send your photograph.

The initiative is organised by the Wroclaw Centre for Social Development.

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