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  3. Scandalisers, troublemakers… They’re from Wroclaw

'Ja, ja gut! Schnell, schnell!'

The above text with such a deeply poetic message is the leitmotiv of artistic activity of Teresa Orłowska vel Orlowski. Born in Wroclaw in the summer of 1953, she made her presence felt very strongly in the nude show business based mainly on the production of very educational ‘natural’ films in the country which is our neighbour on the west side of theOder. Leaving Poland at the beginning of the 1980s, our compatriot took along her most valuable asset – a XXXL-size bust that helped her very much in her career of a porn diva in X-rated films. Her erotic business had grown so much that Teresa Orlowski could afford her own TV station in the course of time. And she made quite a good profit on it until the naked truth of the TV screen lost to the Internet, to which viewers have switched in order to watch actors motivating one another with sensual ‘schnell’ with the help of a mouse.

Today Ms Orlovski probably spends her deserved retirement in Spain.

Sometimes 'less than zero'

The life of Jan Borysewicz, known also under his artistic nickname Jan Bo, began in Wroclaw in April 1955. The lead guitarman of Lady Pank – one of the loudest (if you prefer to read: ‘one of the most scandalising’, this will be ok, too!) Polish rock bands, ‘marked’ undoubtedly strongly with musical talent, has no chance of getting rid of the scandaliser’s label. Common legends about his acts performed under the influence of various fluid and volatile substances will be alive for a long time. They will be recalled, for instance, by those who participated as very small kids in the celebrations of Children Day at the Wroclaw Olympic Stadium on the 1st of June 1986. Passing his holiday gift to them, good uncle Janek demonstrated not only how he can pluck strings in spite of strong motor disturbances, but also what he was hiding under his cool trousers, i.e., from the waist down.

Apparently, some moles that emerged from under the surface of the stadium at that time exclaimed jointly: ‘yooo!’ in spite of their diurnal blindness.

‘This is my opinion and I agree with it’

When the sweaty head of the commentator of facts of any kind born in Wroclaw in January 1948 – Jan Tomaszewski, the former football pride of Śląsk Wroclaw and then the entire People’s Republic of Poland as one of the eagles of the coach Kazimierz Górski, who risked his life by hurling himself at the feet of football England in order to stop it – appears on the TV screen, many viewers freeze. They are afraid that today’s conqueror, or rather admonisher, of the Polish Football Association, UEFA, all football teams on the globe and each footballer separately, may not endure the inflow of saliva into his mouth some day, which he gushes profusely straight towards the camera, spitting out a string of familiar words with the speed of a ball kicked out by Robert ‘Lewy’ Lewandowski: ‘scandal, embarrassment, crime, shame, conspiracy". And, obligatorily, ‘swindle’.

An active member of the Law and Justice – ‘the only ideologically correct party’ – until recently, Jan Tomaszewski left its ranks because he did not agree to a certain apparent sabotage. Well, there you are – he treated its chairman as the Kazimierz Górski of Polish politics only ‘yesterday’...

Jesus Maria Peszek!

Even though she is impregnated with Kraków to the bone, she will not manage to deny Wroclaw. It was here in September 1973 that Maria Peszek, daughter of Jan, was born. And it turns out that she is anything but a chip off the old block. Even though the daddy does not have the reputation of a composed actor, the daughter leaves him far behind with her stage, vocal and ideological contortions. Maria has shown so many artistic incarnations so far that our country is permanently confused. One controversy afterthe other – that’s how we can review Peszek’s artistic and vocal opinions on erections, depilated pubes and other matters and her countless wacky images: in a panache, bald-headed, with a punk hairstyle, on high heels, in galoshes, in a bra, or in a latex outfit.

Some time ago, one outspoken publicist from the Fronda.pl website made an appeal to pray for Maria Peszek, who is apparently possessed with ‘utter satanic nihilism’. But the artist seems to have taken it on the chin, too, standing boldly in ‘fronda’ of the customer.

Miss Gizzi stuffing herself with botox

Who knows, maybe the fact of having been born in the frosty January of 1975 made the gifted writer Michał Witkowski, who had been nominated for the Nike Award three times, start to load tons of botox into his lips (we don’t want to inquire where else) with the help of plastic surgeons and show it in detail in his Facebook profile?

Actually, the devil only knows, because Witkowski has never confessed this in public so far, although he bragged openly about having made love to Tomasz Jacyków. Then the eyes of Warsaw inhabitants stared in disbelief as he visited numerous Warsaw parties, introducing himself as a fashion freak Miss Gizzy. Today nobody is surprised any more at what Witkowski looks like, what he says or whom he gives a hug on public walls and in a private alcove.

In one of his latest posts on his FB profile, the writer Michał Witkowski informs that he ‘writes’ and that it will be ‘funny’. Quite possible, since the author declares: ‘Oh dear, it seems that I’ll have to keep writing further parts of “Lubiewo” for ever...’

photo: Youtube, Facebook, jantomaszewski.blog.pl

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