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  3. Residents of Wrocław in New Europe 100 ranking
Residents of Wrocław in New Europe 100 ranking

"New Europe 100" brings together scientists, start-up founders, inventors and entrepreneurs. These innovation change society and technology with their ideas and initiatives.

Prepared by the Res Publika Foundation in collaboration with the International Visegrád Fund, Google and the Financial Times, this year's ranking of 100 most innovative personalities in Central and Eastern Europe is its third. The ranking features 22 Polish people, including four residents of Wrocław.:

- Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, founder and CEO at Nestmedic. She has designed a mobile KTG device. Pregnabit is going to collaborate with the Medical Telemonitoring Centre, a web-based platform that scans and analyses the Pregnabit readings and provides suggestions for prospective mothers. The founder of Nestmedic was also recognised with this year's Creative Wrocław 30 Award;

- Mateusz Ciepły, CEO at LiveChat Software and a software designer; he has created software to facilitate communication with visitors to a website and its owner;

- Bartosz Gonczarek and Piotr Śliwiński have created an app called Explain Everything for editing and browsing multimedia presentations using photographs, sounds, graphic art and non-standard features. The app is now used by a variety of students throughout the world.

Photograph: Wojciech Sienkiewicz

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