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  3. Remember the Market Square like this? [PHOTOS]
Remember the Market Square like this? [PHOTOS]

Cars parked on pl. Gołębi and policemen directing traffic by the city hall. This is what the Wroclaw market square looked like in the 70s. See more archival photos.

We present the 70s photos of the Wroclaw market square by two Wroclaw photographers, Stanisław Kokurewicz and Zbigniew Nowak. It's part of a photographic collection of the Wroclaw Centre 'Pamięć i Przyszłość.' The pictures show, e.g., the rescue operation during the 20 September 1975 fire of the tower of St. Elizabeth's garrison church, cars parking in pl. Gołębi, or students of the Academy of Fine Arts at the open-air workshop in the southern frontage of the market square.

(click here to see a photo gallery)

See more photos on Facebook: Nie-zapomniany Wrocław (Un-Forgettable Wroclaw). In the 70s, car traffic in the Market Square was limited, and the tram lines that have been there since the nineteenth century (first horse-drawn, and later electric) were closed down. Trams ran through the Market Square until the mid-70s, when they were re-routed to the W-Z Route.

By-standers gathered on the Wroclaw Market Square watch the fire rescue of St. Elizabeth's garrison church tower, September 20, 1975, photo: Stanisław Kokurewicz, the 'Pamięć i Przyszłość' Centre.

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