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  3. Przejście Świdnickie almost ready [PHOTO]
Przejście Świdnickie almost ready [PHOTO]

Reconstruction of Przejście Świdnickie is to finish by the end of the year. The passage will be open to the public in the early 2016. The work in ul. Świdnicka/Kazimierza Wielkiego is already at the finish.

The workers have already completed, e.g. all demolition work, earthworks and concrete reinforcements, wired the external power and utilities. The tram track above the passage was also replaced, as was the surface between the tracks and electrical installations.

'Currently, we are working on installing electrical equipment, connecting utilities and AC in the underground shopping passage, as well as finishing the surface of the tram stops, the bus-bay and final implementation of the organization of the target traffic, lists Małgorzata Szafran from the Department of Social Communication of the Municipal Office.

To complete the transformation of Przejście Świdnickie, the 'to-do' list still includes the stonework of walls and stairs, cladding, lighting, as well as mounting the passenger information boards and organising the target traffic. Construction workers still need to install safety barriers, the elevator, shelters and litter bins.

Completion of construction works is scheduled for the end of December 2015, and all acceptances, together with obtaining a use permit, will be completed by the second half of February 2016.

'The final stage of the reconstruction was to create an illuminated structure over the stops. Currently, the third, last stage of revitalization was postponed. What is most important, is to create a safe ground pedestrian crossing with bicycle paths and double bus stops that will facilitate the traffic for public transport in the city centre, says Małgorzata Szafran. To complement this space will be art gallery, along with the transformed space in front of 'Barbara.'

Safer pedestrians

What is important, the investment will not deteriorate the situation for drivers. There will still be three lanes north and south available, and vertical signs will remain the same. At the same time, traffic lights at the pedestrian crossing will not impede car traffic, since the new green light will be closely coordinated with the existing lights. Neither will the reconstruction affect the time of tram journeys. The only change to organization of traffic is the elimination of bus bays by 'Barbara.' Instead of the bay, the K bus line will stop at a designated spot on the road. 'Generally speaking, drivers should not be affected with this, because bus line K is the only day bus line that stops there, say the reconstruction designers.

However, the reconstruction will particularly benefit pedestrians. They will have wider space to safely wait between the passing trams. In addition, they will gain the ability to move along ul. Świdnicka in two ways - above and under the ground. This will facilitate moving primarily to persons with disabilities or parents with prams. Above the ground, created will be a classic, 10-metre wide pedestrian crossing. Underground, there will be a shopping centre, accessible through the previous entrance and exit. This underground corridor can be also used as the way to cross the street. Residents will gain new options - a classic, above-ground crossing, and the opportunity to visit the gallery under the ground (with the passage still available).

A bit of history

The above ground pedestrian crossing in ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego was closed in 1975, during the construction of the high-capacity street crossing the very centre of the city. The W-Z route was often criticised, as it splits the Old Town and impedes pedestrian traffic. All works relating to Przejście Świdnickie are carried out according to the 2013 Mobility Policy, which gives pedestrians the priority in moving on the street level. Please note that the reconstruction of Przejście Świdnickie is yet another element of revitalisation of ul. Świdnicka.

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