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  3. Pan Pablo and His Vegan Shoes
Pan Pablo and His Vegan Shoes

Brands offering vegan shoes, supporting natural environment and socially engaged - this is what you can find at Pan Pablo's, a store that has just opened at ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego. According to the owners, the store is for those who treat shoes as an element of life style.

Shoes are their passion, which they have been passing to others for two years. In March 2012 Paweł Przybylski and his wife Dorota started an internet shop offering original and unique shoes, Pan Pablo." At first we treated it as fun, we wanted to pass our passion to others - said Paweł Przybylski. "However, since last year we've only been into this. It turned out that running a store that sells alternative products requires much more engagement. It's not only about sales, but also keeping track of latest trends, going to fashion fairs, and even charity. One of the shoe brands plants a tree for each sold pair, and we also joined in - he said.

Vegan and Fair Trade Shoes... But what is it?

What is the difference between vegan and non-vegan shoes? Some think that vegan shoes are all those that are not made from leather. It turns out this is a bit more complicated. " For example, there are shoes not made from leather, but we can't be sure whether glue used for making them was not made from animal by-products" explains Paweł. " Vegan shoes are those, for which no animal by-products were used, at any stage. It is not yet as popular in Poland, but in many countries producers follow the current trend and switch to such production" he added.

Pan Pablo

" Brands we choose are made according to Fair Trade. Even if their production takes place in China, we are sure that people working on them receive fair compensation" said Paweł.

Competition for chain stores

Apart from popular brands, such as New Balance, which has quite interesting design and colour combinations, at Pan Pablo's you can find, first and foremost, niche shoe brands. The list includes, for example, Finnish retro running shoes Karhu, offered in Poland only by Pan Pablo, or domestic merchandise, namely OD, q brand that creates unique moccasins in Pomorze region. "We search for shoes on-line, but also bring them from various fairs. For example, in Germany there's the annual Berlin Fashion Week and there we meet exhibitors, producers, and very often also the creators of niche brands .It is from there that we bring shoes" reveals Paweł.

Pan Pablo

"Apart from that, we also test them, and perhaps this is why our wardrobes swell with shoes. But owing to that we know what we are selling, and if quality indeed pairs the price" he added. In fact, it needs to be noted that these shoes are not for just any budget. "We have conscious clients, who buy not only the product itself, but also the idea that is behind it.

Fashionable to toe

Not only shoes are available on the spot, but also original socks. "On Friday we are launching a new collection of Happy Socks, prepared in collaboration with the legendary rapper, Snoop Dogg. We are planning lots of attractions, and after 18.00 we will turn the music on, and start the party" said Paweł. More information about the sock party can be found HERE.

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