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  3. New lookout point at Sky Tower is open! Spectacular experience in the heart of Wroclaw
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New lookout point at Sky Tower. Going out onto the external terrace is also possible Oleksandr Poliakovsky
New lookout point at Sky Tower. Going out onto the external terrace is also possible

New rebuilt lookout point at Sky Tower. Multimedia lifts, 3D animations, a bar and a café, spectacular views of the city and its surroundings and the possibility of going outside – this is what you can expect at the lookout point at Sky Tower, which will be reopened after the renovation. From 11th May, you will have an opportunity to see it for yourself. For the time being, look at the photographs to see what has changed and check ticket prices for the new lookout point at Sky Tower.

New lookout point at Sky Tower

The lookout point at a height of over 200 metres has undergone a huge metamorphosis. Changes started at the point from which visitors go up to the top of the high-rise. Ticket offices are currently located at the first floor, right near the escalator. The lift entrance has also been moved there.

When going up to the 49th floor, we are surrounded with 3D animations that we will see only at Sky Tower. They are in lifts, in the space of the lookout point and on the interactive floor prepared for children. They were made for Sky Tower by Trison Necsum – a renowned Spanish digital art and entertainment studio.

There is a new option of going out onto the outside terrace!

The changed Sky Tower lookout point is more than twice as big. It has grown from 250 sq. m. to 600 sq. m.

‘Warm cosy brick shades refer directly to the colour of roofs of Wroclaw houses. All elements create a pleasant atmosphere, and functional furniture encourages visitors to stay for longer.’ Sky Tower, information material.

The possibility of going out onto the external terrace of Sky Tower is a new option. Another novelty is a bar and café point – an ideal place to stop during a sightseeing tour. It offers a variety of beverages and snacks. Important: the bar will be open until late at night, so it will be possible to admire the city also after dark.

‘The rebuilding of the lookout point was a huge challenge, but thanks to the co-operation and determination of the entire team we managed to create a breathtaking space that offers an unforgettable experience for our guests. I believe that the new Lookout Point will strengthen its position as one of the main attractions of Wroclaw and will contribute to the further success of Sky Tower,’ stresses Agnieszka Muż, Senior Asset Manager in Adventum Group – the fund that manages Sky Tower.

Tickets to the new lookout point at Sky Tower

The new rebuilt lookout point will be available from Saturday 11th May. Ticket prices:

  • discount price: 35 PLN;
  • full price: 49 PLN;
  • children up to 3 years of age: free of charge.

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