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  3. More convenient for the patients

More seats for the patients, more registration windows and the queue management system — these are the conveniences for the patients who register in the main lobby of the Province Specialist Hospital (Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny) at Kamieńskiego street. Recently the major overhaul which lasted for several months has finally been completed.

Thanks to the renovation and the introduced improvements, the patients wishing to register with the specialist or diagnostic clinic are being served in much better conditions. First of all, people no longer stand in long queues, crowding in the lobby.

"After receiving the queue number, the patient sits back in his chair and quietly waits for his turn. The ability to sit down is especially important to patients with orthopaedic problems", says prof. Wojciech Witkiewicz, the director of the hospital.

After the beginning of the overhaul, the management of the hospital explained that the redevelopment of the entrance and the lobby was necessary because they were obsolete, did not meet the standards, and patients waiting in the queue had no place to sit. Very often the lack of the queue management system led to confusion and fights.

"The new system improved the work of registration and shortened the queuing time. The patients can faster confirm a visit to the clinic on the given day", emphasises prof. Witkiewicz.

After the redevelopment of the lobby, the number of the registration windows increased to six. In addition, the displays with queue numbers appeared over the registration windows — just like in some departments of the Municipal Office (Urząd Miasta) — each number is assigned to a particular patient. At the same time the voice message can be heard from the speakers.

Two windows in the registration will be reserved specifically for the confirming patients, so those who must confirm the approaching visit at a specialist.

The cost of the system and its installation was 71 thousand zlotys. While completing the redevelopment of the lobby, the main entrance to the hospital which has been closed for several months was re-opened. The patients had to enter the hospital through the Hospital Emergency Ward (Szpitalny Oddział Ratunkowy), where ambulances enter, or through the door at -1 floor, where they often got lost.

Other wards such as gynaecology, neonatology and paediatric cardiology are waiting in the queue for the renovation, and it may happen even this year.


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