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  3. Meet Teodor, goat with the soul of a dog

Teodor is only several weeks old. He would not survive if it had not been for the volunteers from the TOZ (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). They saved him from starvation.

His mother and sister died in childbirth. Teodor, with his hind legs afflicted by paresis, was left to his own devices by an unfeeling farmer from one of the villages near Wroclaw. One of the neighbours could not stand his suffering and called the TOZ (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). At first, the doctors were fighting a losing battle. But the warmth, care and regular feeding with specialist feed made a miracle. The small goat slowly recovered. Bursting with energy, he is now the volunteers' favourite charge. He still has trouble using his hind legs, but this hardly stops him from frolicking and playing with a dog. The small goat, as he has no contact with other members of his species, behaves like a regular puppy. He chases other dogs and shows no fear to engage with playful activities with them. Teodor is guaranteed to live under the TOZ supervision. He is not going to return to his cruel owner.

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