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  3. It is not San Francisco! It is Poland! A video by Michał Sadowski from Wroclaw is making a splash online

Michał Sadowski is the founder of Brand24, a media monitoring company. But his passion is also photography and film-making. Last year he won an award in a prestigious international competition for a photograph of a volcano in Iceland. Now his video with spectacular drone shots ‘This Country isBeautiful’ is promoted on social media sites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There is also Wroclaw on them. See the video and photos by Michał Sadowski.

Michał Sadowski (born 1982) is a graduate of the Faculty of Computer Science and Management at the Wroclaw University of Technology. In 2005, as a Year 4 student, he founded with his friends the patrz.pl portal, which they sold for 2 million PLN. Currently he is the president of the Management Board of Brand24 – a company that specialises in online media monitoring. In 2013, he was chosen as the best Polish online entrepreneur in an international competition The Next Web Startup Awards 2013.

Michał’s other passions are photography and film-making. Last year his minimalistic photograph of a volcano in Iceland won the main award in a prestigious international drone photography competition SkyPixel in the Nature category. ‘This is what fascinates me – to show something that has been shot a million times, but in a manner like nobody else did before you. In this sense, photography has an unlimited potential,’ he said in an interview to wroclaw.pl.

He often stresses that Poland is beautiful. ‘It is a stereotype that you have to go somewhere far away to see something incredible,’ he believes. In Wroclaw, he likes flying a drone, e.g., over Sky Tower and Rędziński Bridge. And these are the shots we can see in a video ‘This Country isBeautiful’, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes available on its social media profiles.

Apart from Wroclaw, the video shows such beautiful places as Śnieżka, the Tatra Mountains, Osadnik Gajówka, Kopice, Bieszczady, Małe Ciche, Warsaw (Vistula), the Castle in Czorsztyn, Ślęża Landscape Park, the Church of the Assumption in Kraków, the Church of Corpus Christi in Szklarska Poręba, or the Kamienne Mountains.

Michał Sadowski: ‘‘I chose the places that are not as characteristic as Morskie Oko but not less beautiful and look absolutely unearthly in appropriate conditions (sunrise, or a short time after snowfalls). This video was in my mind for a long time. I often received comments to various clips: ‘I cannot believe it is in Poland’, so I thought about gathering my favourite shots in the form of one video.

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