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wroclaw.pl strona główna
  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. News
  3. How green will the city be?

Wroclaw Spatial Information System will from now on include a map of greenery in our city. It includes the existing green areas in Wroclaw, but also the planned and now executed planting, felling and compensation.

The map was created in response to the needs of residents in terms of access to environmental information. The map provides quick information on issued permits to remove trees, compensating planting, the multiannual planting plan and other activities related to the greenery in Wroclaw.

The map is available here - click

Go to the left hand side of the map to select individual markings and information, such as decisions and plans for planting as well as the possible locations for new parks. You can also check how many trees there are in various parks and forests.

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