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  3. Happy Leap Frog Day in the Wroclaw Zoo [PHOTOS]
Happy Leap Frog Day in the Wroclaw Zoo [PHOTOS]

29th February is the extra day that occurs only in a leap year. It jumps into the calendar every four years. This day has been associated with a frog leap and is celebrated as the day of these nice reptiles in many countries.

The symbol of this day is Litoria nasuta – the leaping Australian frog that makes 2 m long jumps (the longest among frogs). The name ‘frogs’ is used conventionally for all tailless reptiles belonging to the order Anura; apart from proper frogs, it encompasses also other families: tree frogs, true toads, spadefoot toads, fire-bellied toads, dart frogs, etc. There are as many as 42 frog species living in the Wroclaw Zoo.

photo: zoo

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