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  3. Guinnes Record feat: to climb Elbrus twice in 24 h
Guinnes Record feat: to climb Elbrus twice in 24 h

To climb the Elbrus (5642 m) twice, each time descending by a snowboard slide - and all this in one day. This is a task that Leszek Mikulski set before himself. The Wroclavian wants to establish a world record, along with entering the feat in Guinness World Records.

'The expedition is scheduled for August 14. However, the preparations had been going on since last fall. Maximum exercise, hard workout. Wake up at the crack of dawn and off to the gym. And after a day's work, there's still conditioning to do,' said Mikulski. 'I have to combine it all with work. I own a company, which employs more than 100 people, so I can't put off my responsibilities for later,' he added.

The Wroclavian's great adventure kicks off on August 14. First, there's the acclimatization camp in the Alps. It will last a week and during that time Mikulski hopes to prepare his body to stay on the high. The main challenge is scheduled for August 27. On that day he will embark on a twin peak of Elbrus, beginning with an approach to the more difficult, northern side. 'The first time, it took me 12 hours to climb Elbrus. This time I want to climb the two mountain peaks, and within 24 hours,' said Mikulski. The mountaineer will first climb the western summit, and then take up the challenge of the eastern summit. After defeating the two and a moment of rest, Mikulski will start again to the top, this time only on the higher summit. Each climb must conclude in a maximum of nine hours. Mikulski frankly admits that he is most concerned with the second climb: 'I will be climbing during the day, in full sun. At night the temperature there drops to -30 degrees, and during the day increases to +30.

Elbrus is located near the border between Russia and Georgia. This is a mountain with a characteristic double peak. With a height of 5642 m above sea level, the western summit is the highest peak of the Caucasus. It was first conquered in 1874; it is included on the list of the seven highest peaks of the world.

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