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  3. Free parking at NFM [PHOTOS]
Free parking at NFM [PHOTOS]

In all probability, a car park at the National Forum of Music opens next Saturday on 5 September. The facility is open to the public from 5.30 am until midnight. Wrocławskie Inwestycje announce that parking will be free of charge until a new operator takes over the facility, which is in two months' time.

The new facility brings additional 660 parking spaces in the city centre. Access to the facility is provided through a tunnel in ul Krupnicza. Vehicles exit the car park in ul Moderzejewskiej. No cars can be parked in the facility outside its regular service hours. Additionally, users will be asked to follow markings and instructions from the car park's personnel.

Parking will be available free of charge for some time because Wroclawskie Inwestucje has invalidated the current tender for a car park operator. "The bid we was too high. The contractor wanted 9.1 million PLN, whereas we could allocate only 5.4 million for the purpose," says Wroclawskie Inwestycje's Spokesman Marek Szempliński. "The solution we are offering as of 5 September is going to benefit us as well because we will be able to see how the facility works and if it attracts drivers," he adds. A new tender is expected to start soon.The NFM's grand opening is scheduled for 4 September. The opening gala is available to selected guests only. The NFM opens its gates to the public a day later.

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